This guy is checking his hairstyle in the water!
Only joking, as he is having a late afternoon drink at one of the dams on the game farm. There is about six dams on the property and each of the dams have their own resident populations. This particular dam is about 200 meters from the lookout viewing deck where I was standing with my camera!
The regulars at this dam that we have seen are; warthog, eland, koedoe, impala, njala and even a rare visit by wildebeest. Monkeys, guinea fowl, ducks and other smaller animals also visit this dam.
Unfortunately we did not see the giraffes, buffalo, hippo or any of the other big game, as they visit other distant and secluded dams, but we were happy with all of the wild animals that we saw!
But less chatter and let me show you a lovely co-existence!
The animals know that the drinking hole is a dangerous place, as they have to drop their guard when they go down to the water to drink. But the monkeys are clever, as they go down single, or in pairs and the other members of the group sits up in the tees to keep watch. It seems that this little buck also knows the monkeys safety system and that's why he stayed close to the monkeys! Believe me when I say that one alarm call and they are all out of there like the wind!
So, the bucks use the monkeys as security guards.
One would think that as humans we should also keep a lookout for all others. but sadly this is not so, as instead, here in our country, the one preys on the other. Conmen win your trust and then they slaughter you!
Criminals lie in wait and one's every move is watched. Drug dependency has sown disaster as addicted children steal from their parents and life is cheap over here. But in saying this, I know that is also bad in other countries.
All life is sacred and the lesson from nature here is for each of us to keep a lookout for others.
Not a difficult task and all that it takes is care for the self and for others, as most of us depend on someone else, just as the bucks depend upon the monkeys!
Think about it!
Thank you for visiting a post by @papilloncharity

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Beautiful photos the reflection on the water just make it astonish to watch. Thank you for sharing this great photos my friend @papilloncharity.
Thank you for the kind comment my friend!
you're welcome.
GOod photos, i like it👍👍
Thank you!!