How does it feel to save a life?


She cannot fly and so we had to make a plan, as there are feral cats around and she wouldn't last long! I am talking about the grey pigeon in the picture! One of the cats was nearby and a car almost ran her over, so I caught her and brought her home!
Here she is enjoying a meal with her new little friends in our garden!


Slowly but surely she is making peace with her condition and she is also starting to take over. Our Little dog "Troy" has adopted the role of her friend and proctor, but he keeps her in her place as the fourth member of his pack.


Here Lady Marian is having some women talk with her, as one or two amorous Romeo's that visit the feeders tried to have a relationship with her. But little Troy scared them off.


As I said, Troy keeps her in her place, as he dominates the front and she has to sit at the back.


Whenever we are at home, I let her out of our emergency cage and she has the freedom to wander around in the garden. The cats fear little Troy and they won't come near our place when he is also outside!


And here she is in the emergency cage! It is raining dollops outside here in the late afternoon and she will spend the night sleeping safely inside the cage!


And this is her goodnight to all of you!

No life is insignificant and at times each of us will lose our "flight"
Troubles, or unexpected illnesses attack us and we are helpless at the onslaught. Yet we survive!
Somehow, be it a kind family member, or a stranger, at most times there is a helping hand.
But then again, so many of us place ourselves in one or another form of helplessness, wherein nobody of the flesh can help us, simply because we accept our hurtful condition. We lose our "flight"

There are thousands of unhappy and hurting souls in the world. A lady that is regularly assaulted by her drunk husband clings dementedly to her marriage and accepts the beatings! A man becomes addicted to drugs and he loves it so much that he is willing to give his life up for it! Only two examples of hundreds of other traps that steal our "flight".
And so we grow cold and bitter inside as wander from day to day.

A wise man once said, "Nothing makes us as lonely as our secrets" Paul Tournies (1898-1986) He was a doctor and he certainly knew what he was talking about.
"The truth shall set you free" to many of us only remains a myth, but how can you be free if you cannot be open and honest? If you cannot share your pain, your worries, fears, doubts, and most importantly, your secrets with everyone else. Fear and pride are our jailors!
Think about it!

Thank you for visiting a post by @papilloncharity

signatureTeam South Africa banner designed by @bearone


Good post nice one, if you’re interested in birds check out some of my latest posts, thanks mike

What do I need to do?Where can I get a #teamsouthafrica banner?

Have you enquired about a banner in the general section of #teamsouthafrica on Discord?

yes, will have to wait, thank you though.

best deed to save a life

Thank you and fully agreed!

We can learn so much from animals, sometimes I think they are in fact the superior beings! Lovely message!

You are so right! Nature is, to me at least, one of the best teachers about life! As it's supposed to be!

This post made really made me think. Next time I'm stuck in traffic, or frustrated with life, I should just calm down for a second and reflect on how blessed I really am. And then be grateful for those blessings.

Thank you, that was my idea with this post! We can control our thoughts and we can choose which thoughts we want to clothe in action! A thought that is not acted upon is just that, only a thought! Blessings!

That's amazing☺I love birds. I had a special connection with one specific one in our garden. My partner even noticed that It would come around and hop closer to us without fear. I started making bird feeders to accommodate my new friend, I use to speak to it and even though it didn't respond I knew there was something special about it. I left for Kenya to go work for a while and since I've been back I have not seen it💔. To most adults this may sound silly, but its real. Im so happy you've saved a life, and im very impressed that your dog is so welcoming.

Well we pray that there will be others that make their appearance in your life to seek friendship! We run 5 feeders in our garden and the birds that visit are no longer visitors, as they appear every day and if we are late for some reason, they sit outside and squeal! A Loerie that was attacked by a cat rushed to our bedroom window crying out early one morning and I only had to let out little dog "Troy" outside! The cat disappeared in a hurry and the Loerie only lost most of it's tail feathers except one! We called her "Queen One Feather" But all of her tail feathers has since grown back! There is a post about her attack somewhere on our page! Blessings!

Thank you so much for taking time to respond. You and your warm hearted family have inspired me to continue to give love and care to the creatures most take for granted.

That's the idea with my posts! To inspire others! Blessings!

Amazing reflection upon life once again, one happy bird to keep you company together with 4 legged best friend.

Thank you Lady Joan, life is precious and the pigeon decided to enter our house today! But little Troy guided her back outside, as it is his territory! Blessings!

So kind of you and your family (especially Troy?) to take this bird under your collective wing.

Thank you Lady, I am told that she became disorientated from flying into the electric fence. They will either put her down, or we can keep her and thus she has now become a permanent resident here! Blessings!

Poor thing. Well, lucky for her that you and your family found her and are taking care of her.

@kiligirl Apologies for the late reply, but I have to undergo some post op care and between that, work and this, I have to scramble for time!. Thank you for your care and the nice words! Blessings!

Thank you for writing and sharing this post. It is great that you saved her. I love this last paragraph.

If you cannot share your pain, your worries, fears, doubts, and most importantly, your secrets with everyone else. Fear and pride are our jailors!

Thank you and I like your tag name, as we live by Hope! Blessings!

Thank you, I fell in love with the word Hope a long time ago. Also the biblical meaning of hope as it is used in the Bible is much more powerful then we use it. It is actually môre like faith. The Bible says in Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Have a blessed day!

Incidentally, I did my first sermon years ago on the topic of hope! On the power of the Holy Spirit that makes us overflow with hope, as our God is indeed the God of hope! Romans 15:13. Blessings!

That's great! My first post on steemit was about Hope!