In the distance on a misty morning, I saw a crow with something familiar in his mouth! The crow also had a bodyguard sitting on a tree next door to his tree, making a loud noise so as to attract something!
Now let me tell you the story!
As you can see here in our back garden, it was not a bright and sunshine morning, as we had mist all over!
But what did the first crow have in his mouth when he landed on the in the mist? What was he looking at?
And why was the crow looking around all the time? Well, he had a dead mouse in his beak!
The two crows (first picture) sat around like this for around 25 minutes and I think they were waiting for the kite to pitch up. After the argument about territory between the crow and the kite, I feel that the crow wanted to show the kite who's boss with the kite's favorite prey in the crow's beak. (See previous post about a fight between a crow and a kite). ("Territorial fight").
Finally, the crow took off and you can see that he didn't eat the mouse. His partner followed him and I think they went to sit on another of the kite's favorite spots to wait for the kite!
The crow was using the mouse as bait for the kite to attack him.
What a story on a misty morning!
Here we can clearly see both the crow's intelligence with the bait, but we can also see his mistake!
The kite has superior vision and he would easily have seen the second crow sitting near the first crow out in the open!
I doubt that the kite would have taken up the challenge against two crows.
But maybe the first crow planned for the second crow to sit where the kite could see him as a show of strength and a territorial warning! It was also the first time that I saw a crow with live prey, as normally they eat the berries.
Finally guess what;
The crow's trap didn't work, as later after the mist had cleared, the kite arrived with prey to sit on his normal perch on the high tree in our back garden.
Thank you for visiting a post by @papilloncharity
You are genious sir... I like you.... the photography is awesome.... me ispured for you sir... always follow you...promice