An early morning shot tells me that it's going to be a day of wind, clouds and finally, one of those special sunsets!
Throughout the day I pop out every now and then with my camera to see what I can get! It's good for ones health and wellbeing to break away from the daily slog just to refresh and recharge the self.
Herewith today some shots that I snapped on my excursions!
And finally!
Of course, I don't take long breaks during the day!
Just time enough to stretch and to clear my mind, as I have the habit not to think about anything when I pop outside! Many a time am I struggling with a problem, as in charity work, every day is filled with problems, and when I return a solution often pops up out of nowhere.
There are many warnings out there about the harm of sitting down for hours, be it behind a desk, or on a couch. Frequent activity is good for the heart and also for one's muscles! Besides this there are also many other benefits that are garnered from regular quick breaks! A sedentary lifestyle results in heaps of health problems later in life!
Life a healthy life and reap the benefits!
Think about it!
Thank you for visiting a post by @papilloncharity
I really Love Your Click You sir are a really good photographer hope i can be like you some day thanks for showing us the beauty of Africa
Just checked my voting register and saw that you did not vote on my post, but only on your own reply??? Did you vote on my post?
i think i double click that up-vote button sorry for doing such a mistake
No need to apologize my friend! And thank you for your kind effort to support our charity page! Blessings to you and yours!
What beautiful photography again.
Thank you Lady Joan, your photo's are also beautiful! Maybe it's because we use the same camera? Blessings!
If i can.....
Oh lord this beautifully....
Thank you and glad you liked it!