Here is mister Robin!
Some of you have asked to see more of the birds that visit the feeders in our garden! Remember that we live in Johannesburg, South Africa!
Hope you enjoy the photos!
Here we have an incoming Weaver!
This is part of a flock of tiny Red Headed Finches.
They are very busy little birds! (Red Headed Finches)
We even have a rare little white one among them! I suppose she might be called a White Headed Finch?
And here we have a family of Hadeda Ibis's. They are meat eaters and they aerate our gardens, digging with their sharp beaks for worms!
Of course our little dog "Troy" doesn't like them for his own reasons, whatever they might be, and here he chased them up onto our carport roof. You can see one Hadeda peeping down at him!
What they were saying to each other, I also don't know, as I heard a squawk from the Hadeda to every bark by Troy!
Are there any Chihuahua and Hadeda language courses out there on the internet?
I will have to Google!
Thank you for visiting a post by @papilloncharity

Bird so beautiful
Lovely shot @papilloncharity! Beautiful birds and your dog too. Properly the birds will stop coming around thinking your dog is going to make a meal of then 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂
The birds are not stupid my friend! They watch my dog and they see that he chases only the big birds that bully the smaller ones! And so they have accepted our little dog and ignore him most of the times! Blessings!
So many of them and they are beautiful. These are lovely shots.
This is only a small selected sample of the birds Lady Thelma. Most times there are more than 100 at the feeders! Glad you liked the photos!
My dogs never bothered the Hadeda and walked in between them to chase the monkeys, we have even named them Dufus and Seymour that is how tame they have become, leaning over the courtyard wall to shout for some wholewheat bread in the mornings.
Nice post on nature, what a lovely variety of birds in the garden @papilloncharity
Animals can form such strange friendships! We have too many Hadeda's and some are so aggressive that they frighten the smaller birds and this drives Troy crazy! I think he wants peace in his garden as he never chases the smaller ones! Or maybe he sees the Hadeda's as a threat to his territory. Oh, and he also hates Indian Mynahs! We share the nicknaming habits with you guys and have you seen today's "Hardy"? Blessings!