I was called out today to go and pray for a lady that suffers from aggressive Leukemia and look what was waiting for me outside! A huge Grasshopper of the family "Acrididae"!
In my post yesterday, I showed you a bird that caught a locust and amazingly this one appeared today in the city center. So I put him into a bag and brought him home to release him back into nature.
But this guy harbors a colorful secret when he flies!
Let me show you!
This is where I found him.
And this is his secret! I set him free and he flew away for a short distance, this was his first landing.
He set off on a walk with his wings still open.
This was my final shot before he took off and disappeared.
Isn't this amazing as I haven't seen a big one in a long time?
Yesterday I posted about grasshoppers and locusts and today I ran into one of all things. Now, I could have kept him in an airtight container and I could have waited for him to die, before I pinned him onto a board to hang on the wall here in my study. But why would I do a silly thing like that?
The sad thing is that we as humans want to keep anything cute that our eyes see. I have seen people drool over small and cute puppies, but then the pups grow up and they are banished to a backyard and ignored. I sat on a couch in a person's house and sadness and anger at all of the animal heads that were mounted on the walls. Trophies to show what a brave and great hunter he is. What is brave and great about standing behind a rifle and killing an innocent animal, usually over a long distance!
We are to manage this earth, but instead we are killing it! Lions are bred and slaughtered in inhumane conditions, as there is a great demand for lion bones in Asia. Elephants are slaughtered to such a great effect that they have become extinct in some African countries! And oh, the poor rhinos getting killed off for their horns by the hundreds, simply because their horns are grinded into a powder and sold by the gran as an expensive medicine. A horn that consists of hardened rhino hair!
My apologies as I can go on and on about the sacred subject of all life, but I can tell you that if we don't revise our ways, then earth will soon be without a large contingent of it's animals. Google the impending disappearance of the "Pangolin" (Ant Eater) in Africa, due to poaching, the "Giant Anteater is also on the endangered list. Not only that, but what about small monkeys being plucked from the wild to be sold at city traffic lights!
Think about it!
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Beautiful! Resteemed 🙂
Thank you sir Bernardt for the like and the share! Blessings to you and yours!
Another great article you've up here. The beauty of the grasshopper almost took my attention away from the most important and valuable issue you spoke about.
Instead of managing the earth, most humans are actually destroying... I am about 26 years old now and so many animals and birds i used to see as child have gone on extinction. The younger generation might only read and see them in books and video documentaries.
In Africa mostly, we need to appreciate the beauty in nature more...this applies to most part of Asia too. The consciousness of manually ensuring that we preserve most of what is left of nature is parraout.
Lastly, i hope God heals the person with the ailment.
The sad thing is that other countries have always destructed Africa so much that our own people have learnt to do the same. Poverty is one thing, but greed is quite another! Syndicates govern the masses with handouts to enrich their own sinister causes and the poor are lured and trapped by the thought of quick riches! Mother Africa pays for man's sins and may God not deal too harshly with us for not protecting our own! The sick lady's bone marrow was depleted by chemotherapy treatments and we don't know if she is going to make it! A call for prayer was sent out by us! Only God can heal her if it's in His will!
Let God's will be done in her life. I pray she receives her healing from God.
Flashing red normally a defense mechanism, very pretty locust, killing everything that moves really is annoying, upsetting, not necessary.
Too many animals suffering at the hand of mankind @papilloncharity
Agreed Lady Joan and as I said to a reply above, may God forgive us for not protecting our own! I should have said something about defense mechanisms and will do so in another post, as another one visited us today and I suspect they are breeding out in a vacant veld behind our place! Blessings! @joanstewart
How beautiful. The truth is that many people do not value animals, and they deserve the same value and respect as anyone
Totally agreed with you @luisananava only when we all realize that life in any instance is sacred, will things in this world start to change! It's the only world that we have and we MUST take care of it! Thank you for your kind support on our charity page! Blessings!