I so love this road and adventure theme today.. I find roads so poetic .. like they mark a destiny yet to discover , a need to belong or to arrive .. I have always been drawn to that .. I went and looked for this little pic ( from a crappy phone) .
This particular road is down in Manglaralto, Ecuador. A place I'm very connected too.. and an inspiration to many songs. What I consider my ''best composition'' draws inspiration from this . "Long road of dirt and salt , I look for a destiny and a little peace , my song is being born in this walk '' .. This post reminded me of that feeling .. thank you so much for sharing :) ! I hope your walk also gave you some answers .. they hold a lot of wisdom just like that.
And yes to Serena's comment , we all need to share a cup of coffee ;) .
Much Love
Awe Pechi, I love this! I agree.. there is something so inspiring about roads in nature.. I’m really drawn to them as well. And thank you for sharing such a special spot.. knowing it’s been such an inspiration for you makes me smile, and I can see why it has inspired you so much.
Yes to coffee!! Do it now!! ❤️