To add a little context to it, I shot in RAW (although I reckon you can make a better LR edit than this like you proved), but conditions were such that everything was maxed out (f/2 and ISO 6400 is as far as the camera let me go and I figured 1/40s, maybe 1/30s is as low as I can handhold - my hands are not as rock steady as they used to.) So that were the settings I used and I hoped the best of it - the photo came out quite underexposed. So my photo is already heavily edited and cropped. The blue/purple haze is high color noise that appears in an underexposed ISO 6400 photo. If you like I can mail you the original RAF file and see what you can come up with using the original... I would be much obliged as I feel that I can learn something about LR editing.@photofeedback: thanks so much for reviewing my photo. You did a great job!
Thanks again, I actually learned something. Your reviews are about the best that this site has to offer! Keep up the good work; I surely will check here on a regular basis...
Och, yes. A flash was out of the question, firstly because the X-pro doesn't have one and more importantly because the animals are behind glass. The reflections would kill the photo...
Och, and the Antwerp Zoo opens @10h00, but those with a pass (which I have) can enter as early as 9 o'clock... I was a little earlier but looking in a pleading way did the trick - they let me in! Apart from the zoo keepers there was no one. Really magical!
Thanks for the context, I would really like to receive the RAW file and see what I can do. Can you please send it to [email protected]?It was an honor to make this photofeedback @pentaxke!
And about Lightroom: there are some real interesting and instructive Youtube videos on learning how to edit your photos more professionally. I used to watch them a lot and improve my editing day by day.
Cheers man, and thanks again!
Hi, I sent you the RAF file. Did you get it...?
I received it! Will try some things with today :)