Btw, bas sanjam o nekom foticu, mislim da ce mi to biti jedna od sljedecih investicija :) ovaj tvoj Nikon D3400 mi se cini mrak...Al vjerojatno je, osim u talentu, tajna i u objektivima? :)@pepe.maya No leafs in Zagreb...just pure, white snow:D Beautiful shots!
Thank you very much, dear!
U subotu imam seminar, nadam se da nece padati...
Btw, ja koristim objektiv koji sam dobila u kitu sa aparatom 18-55mm i jako sam zadovoljna 😊
dry leaves in a very good rainy season, you are very creative in taking some photography of the leaf that has fallen. Best regards @pepemaya😊from now on I will follow you to see your post forward.
I'm not a winter man! I would like to change Zagreb winter for Dalmatian winter!
I'm not winter man, too! :)))
My season is summer...
Thank you for your comment :)
Beautyful photo graphy.....
Wonderful post
Very beautiful
Thats great pic.i liked it too...thats why i followed you.I am new at steemit.This is my 2nd comment on any post.I feel happy to coment on your post.
A simple leaf can be so bautiful!
O yes! Thank you my dear friend!
So simple yet so elegant. Natures splendor. Earths gift. Sometimes we take the smallest things for granted.
I agree, but we should never take small things for granted...
It's great to see these little artworks that mother nature presents us every day.
Great captures, Maya! :)
I'm so happy with these "little artworks", nature is everything! Thank you my dear Patrick :)
Good picture. Best camera made best view. Amazing
Thank you
i hope you visit my blog and vote
thank you
Btw, bas sanjam o nekom foticu, mislim da ce mi to biti jedna od sljedecih investicija :) ovaj tvoj Nikon D3400 mi se cini mrak...Al vjerojatno je, osim u talentu, tajna i u objektivima? :)@pepe.maya No leafs in Zagreb...just pure, white snow:D Beautiful shots!
Thank you very much, dear!
U subotu imam seminar, nadam se da nece padati...
Btw, ja koristim objektiv koji sam dobila u kitu sa aparatom 18-55mm i jako sam zadovoljna 😊
A lovely contrast among the green.
Thank you for your comment @ace108!!
dry leaves in a very good rainy season, you are very creative in taking some photography of the leaf that has fallen. Best regards @pepemaya😊from now on I will follow you to see your post forward.
Thank you for stopping by!
It gets me really excited about spring.
Hehe, me too, it is around the corner :))
Here it would be a dead leaf on dead grass LOL Nice one!
Thanks for your comment, actually it is moss :))
So pretty, looks like it could be alive!
Thank you for your comment :)
Maya, That is stunning <3
Thanks for your lovely comment!
Very beautiful shot
Thank you for your lovely comment!