Let me share same nice pictures from Barcelona. The sun was shining as if no winter ever has come. But counting the number of people swimming in the sea gave it away. Most of the coast seem to be covered by huge harbor so I can imagine that few of my Christmas Gifts might be stuck somewhere out there.
There are few interesting architecture objects in Barcelona so let me show you...
Let's also look at Barcelona at night.
The most interesting place in Barcelona is Kubrik's space station (or it looks this way). In reality, it is just a subway 6 levels under ground but it is very short line with just a few stops so you have to be pretty lucky to bump into it. If you go straight for it, I give you a hint - it is one of the newest lines.
Other interesting pictures contain some birds, art exposition, Columbus statue, a cannon, a girl defending the city and some other pictures with interesting lighting or depth of field. Now I just saved you a trip to Barcelona, you're welcome.