Kitzsteinhorn, that's the place we were skiing at.
T-bar lift is the way we love to go up...
...and this is the way we go down.
Well, free ride is not bad either. But to the main point...
This is our IT company - important people are highlighted.
When you tell them to jump, this is what they do.
Luckily we created the technology to read our minds so cooperation in teams is not that hard and we could do the main thing why we where there... avalanche training.
At first, we paniced!
Some of us even run for their lives.
But after a while we calmed down and let the instructors teach us all about avalanches.
We dig so far that China came very close and we found something...
It's the right time to check how is your bitcoin doing.
And then we saved our friend...
...for a while.
We loved it there.
But we had to leave at the end anyway...
...only snowmen get to stay.
And if you'd like to see more, go here: