
nice photos


I never knew snails are predators, but today I made a foto of them eating an earthworm.

they are really chowing down - never saw anything like that either!

I probably should make a video, but those guys are sooo slooow )

Sounds cool, are you going to post it to Steemit?

If you don't mind I can do it right here in comments

Sure you can, but you could also make it your own post :)

Well, here it might get even more exposure :)

I wonder if just russian snails are like that ?)

Wow those guys are really chowing down on the worm. Thanks for sharing!

I was reading recently that monster slugs also eat baby birds. Creepy !

I like the Robber Fly eating the Damselfly!

Thanks for identifying them :) As you've probably noticed I'm not good with names.

It was something that caught my eye while chasing another damselfly. Here the robber fly was just sitting there, almost hidden. I spotted it and inched the lens closer trying not to spook it.

You're welcome, those are some nice shots!

Nice picture <3

Thanks :)

HA! bugs are straight vicious man.

This is too much detailing man!!!. What do you use to click such photographs @pfunk

This was a D500 with Tamron 90mm Di macro lens. The first picture was at f/8. It could have been stopped down a bit more, but it was the first time I used it.

You are a pro man!!!

Nice frames dude! Makes me miss having access to some macro gear. When I worked for Nikon I took this home all the time -

Thank you. I've been shopping around the $300 range for a lens of my own. I might end up getting this same lens I'm borrowing.

Those are some serious close-ups! UPVOTED!

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

That is sad.

Bugs gotta eat!

Yes but I've turned into a wimp now. I can't even watch nature documentaries because of the bloodshed.

It's a wild world!

Yep nature is pretty cruel but very efficient - no waste, awesome shots though.

It's insane to think of the amount of murder going on in the insect world around us, just on such a smaller scale were mostly unaware until we go looking for it.


Oh my god I love Mitch - this made me laugh I can't believe I hadn't heard it before thanks :)

What camera?

D500 with Tamron 90mm Di macro lens

It's the lens more than the camera that makes the difference :)

Looks awesome. I do a lot of fishing and would move to see a close up like this on the scales!

nice photo! Welcome to me blog @alex2016