Playing With My Food

in #photography9 years ago


The first Steemit guide to banana makeup! Oh is that joke played out by now? :P Well instead of going to bed I needed to make this. Peppercorns, cumin seeds, mayonnaise and sriracha sauce were used to bring our model to the big leagues. Except I just took a bite and... that was a mistake. Taken with a reversed manual 50mm lens at f/22 on a DSLR.

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I have just fallen in love with a banana.

You don't want to know where she is now.

Hahaha, I think that I can imagine it. (Arghhhh now I am imagining it) I will have nightmares this night thanks to you. xD

I came for this one :D

somehow I always liked your post.. good!!

Holy God I couldn't hit the upvote fast enough!

HAAAA holyyy shit. Bananas are delicious and all... but that looks more like a weedle that has devolved! lol

Hmm one more form of food.

That look like @klye much . lol

this is gross :))

Haha inspiring:)

I don't know why I am so perturbed by this. :P

Nice!Welcometo my blog)))

No wonder the banana looks so sad, you wanted to take a bite instead of kiss her passionately.

Food is not a toy )

\ (•◡•) /

HAHAH I saw this before I took my morning run this morning and woke up my kid laughing, thanks for this @pfunk... title of my last post "I know nothing about Makeup or bananas, so here's STEEMIT'S first Photography Tutorial :)"

Sorry, Jay's kid. Thanks for laughing though :P

Nice banana! i want eat it!

Too late, I beat you, peppercorns and all.

That is an alien looking creature that can only be found in Area 51.

Why does this remind me of Lambchops?

Very nice :)

Hello! Excellent article!

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OMG~ so cute! Do you have more? <3