I haven't got arachnophoby, however I don't want to touch spiders. But when I have one of them at my flat, I always want to hide it, because if my wife will see it, I will have to kill that little creature. Why I don't want to kill them? Because they are a good animals, useful...I hate moquitos and flies, so it's simple to me. Also, there is a superstition, that spider at home brings happiness :) So if you ever see me talking near corner of the room "please, hide it quickly", you know, what is "wrong" with me.
Category | Spiderwebcontest |
Settings | ISO 200 35mm f1.8, 1/400s |
Camera | Lumix GX80 |
Lens | Fujian 35mm f1.7 |
Location | Tenczynek - Poland |
thanks for the entry