Thanks for checking out that post, it really is one of my favorite (and best too I guess :D). Well back then, the price was different and I think I also used bid bots on that post to make sure it would get some publicity, hence the large payout ;)
I am glad you enjoyed this post too! Are you also planning something spooky for Halloween? A post about the Bran Castle would be awesome :D
To be honest, I never took part in any Halloween party because we don't celebrate it over here, but there are most of the pubs which use that kind of decorations. I visited Bran Castle when I was very young and I don't have any kind of memories from there except what's in my head, should visit it one day again though.

That is also my post with the biggest rewards from all time, but without any kind of bid bods as I never used them :D
But there is other castle over here who might look scary enough - at least the interior of it due to all the mannequins :)
Also, if you have discord, could you ping me up in the chat? This is my username: GabrielaTravels#0104
I totally hear you, we don´t celebrate Halloween either (well, at least most people) because we have our own tradition and that is the All Saints Day that has been observed here for centuries. But the theme is very similar to Halloween.
Your post about the Corvinilor Castle is amazing! And the reward looks great :) Two years ago, those were sweet times on Steem :D
Just sent you a discord friend request ;)