Hi Folks!
Last pack of photos I took during my latest visit in rural areas nearby Olsztyn/Poland.
At the end of the trip I spotted a large group of big birds by the small river. I stopped my car on the nearest side road and took my tele lens with me.
I didn't want to engage too close to them as the Cranes are very skittish animals.
There was more or less a hundred birds on the fields and by the river.
I took few shots and recorded short video in the moment when they decided to change place.
All of the shots and the videos I presented in my latest vlog on yt channel - link to the video in my previous post.
It was a nice ending of this trip, I didn't expect to see such a big group of Cranes in springtime - I thought they are gathering in such a large groups only in autumn time, just before fligh out before winter.
Hope You will like the shots!
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Nature photography in remote areas always challenging to get close, birds are very skittish.