Norway'24 #10 - I Love Lovatnet Lake :D

in #photography3 months ago

Hi Friends!

This is the continuation of our trip to the far North - if You found this post for the first time - check out the previous ones to get the full story of the trip :).

After long day in a car and many stops by the way, we reached our destination for the night - lake Lovatnet in Jostedalsbreen National Park.



Because of the bad weather we had to rent a cabin for one night - but the view from it was worth a lot more then the cabin itself!

Definitely one of the best location in this area :). I have been here 3 times before but always stayed in my car for a night. This camping ground with the view towards the lake is one of the best I have been to.



Because the day was still quite early, we decided to rest a while, fill up our bellies and hit the road to a nearby spot with a view towards the glacial walls and amazing, raw glacial valley by the Kjenndal Glacier.

This ones I will show You next time so - stay tuned as always :D.

Hope You liked the images, UNTIL THE NEXT ONE!


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niesamowity klimat... ale by tam okonie łowił :D

Okonie - nie wiem czy są ;), może pstrągi bardziej, choć te jeziorka polodowcowe są bardzo ubogie w roślinność a co za tym idzie w ryby.
Ale klimaty tam piękne!
Dzięki za komentarz.

Wow, this is stunning, the green of the water is amazing. Loving your moody pictures!

Thank You Sara :)