PV's Log #167 - What's next?

Hi There!

Mysterious title? For me too... so if You want to know what next - I won't tell You in this post :P.

It is all about present situation in my life - stagnation.
I don't post regularly since few weeks - and the reason is simple - no fresh material.

I have some stories, I had some trips during summer holidays but I didn't recrd that on my camera. It was private time so I was trying to keep it simple and really like a rest without camera.

Right now I am in the situation when I have only my archives, I am sure some of the pictures from past years are still worth preparing and sharing but in the same time I have the feeling it is a waste of my time which I have very little.

Many things waiting to be done, finish and I have to focus on them first. I am still waiting for this nice late summer vibes and autumn of course - my beloved season when I am producing the most content and trying to be out as often as possible.

I have some smartphone shots from latest travels - and I am thinking to download them to create some content - fresh content.

So stay tuned for it :)

That is it.



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NEW Workshops Offer: https://www.asphotovisions.com/lofoten-photoworkshops

Places to visit:

My YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCW6Bp19byFzuxhFQwf8WjNQ My web site: https://www.asphotovisions.com/ My insta: https://www.instagram.com/photo_visions/ My FB fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/AdrianSzatewiczPhotovisions/ My 35Photo: https://35photo.pro/adrianszatewicz My 500px site: https://500px.com/photovisions_by_adrianszatewicz

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Stagnacja niestety jest dość częsta ,zwłaszcza latem. Udało mi się zrobić niedawno fajny plener w lecie ,ale niestety jak dotąd jedyny z lata w tym roku po prostu brakuje odpowiednich warunków.
Na szczęście coraz bliżej do jesieni ;)