Even with a result that is faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar from expected… I will continue to post Looking UP pictures.
Although I don’t expect a lot from this one… I’ve been inspecting it for a while, but couldn’t find any Crypto God here. Just an old shepherd with a couple of sheeps… Wondering if there is a message in that… or is it some old and disappeared belief? 😉
BTW: A big thank you to everyone who congratulated us with our wedding anniversary! My wife was very happy with her new plastic ring.
And as a bonus, thanks to the enormous pay-out of my post, I will soon be able to buy her a 10 years old chewing gum with strawberry flavour… her absolute favourite!
Thanks all, I could not have done this without you!
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Right you are 😉
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Buenas tardes amigo @ pixelfan, que tenga un feliz domingo y que ese amor perdure por siempre . Su esposa debe de estar feliz por el anillo y por su preferido chicle sabor a fresa amigo . Viva el amor amigo.
Don't panic. In a few years we'll have enough to buy a beer. 🍺
I can't wait that long!!!!
Congratulations to both of you! Wedding anniversaries are supposed to celebrate love so gifts should come from the heart.
Don't tell anyone I gave you the perfect excuse for the plastic ring. 😂
I won't... I just hope she will never try to sell it :-)
Hahaha. I think you're safe. You cannot put a price on love so she will not even bother. 😂
felicitaciones,feliz inicio de semana,cuando pueda cuento con su visita,saludos