This post is inspired by @nainaztengra with one of her recent post: "WALK WITH ME - THROUGH THE FLOWER GARDEN" . I will now start a new series of contents where I will share my spectacular views here in Barbados when I go jogging, or running ( I try to do so atleast 4 times a week), and I am also inspired by @velimir recent post: Original Art Photography Series, who by the way takes some great shots and describes them in a manner that his pictures come to alive as I read his post! awesome.
So lets get to it!
leaving home
See that sunset? awesome right? that's where were heading, by the way this is where the famous artist Rihanna grew up, they even renamed the street after her in December 2017, will do a post about it in future.
just me, supp? see the moon behind me? cute aint it?
So then I start jogging to the beach which is about 10 mins or less from home.
And here we are
I will keep on jogging for some more time
And then there is this... panorama.. a vertical one, but check out cute little moon and beautiful sunset just in one shot.
scrolling down on this image is just satisfying.
I made stops to take shots of this wonderful view.
Then I just sat there watching how the sun disappears in the horizon, enjoying the cool sea breeze and the sand beneath me. breath taken.
Cheers!And that was it guys! after that I just jogged back home, hope you guys enjoyed, If you did i'll appreciate the upvote, follow me for more is to come. Thanks to @nainaztengra and @velimir for the inspiration. Check out my last posts and comment what you think about beautiful Barbados.
I am the original author of the contents of this post, both writing and photos, shots taken on my nexus 6P device.