in #photography7 years ago (edited)


I'm new in this community. This's my first post.

I want to share my passion with you. I love taking photos of still life, nature on my analog and digital camera.

I hope you enjoy my hard work.

I want to show Steemit users beauty of Polish land.

This photo I take at my grandma apartament. It's a sunset in small town near by Olsztyn in the north-east of Poland.


Jestem nowy w tej społeczności. To mój pierwszy post.

Chce dzielić się moją pasją z Wami. Uwielbiam robić zdjęcia martwej naturze tak jak i żywej moimi analogowymi i cyfowymi aparatami.

Myśle że docenicie moją ciężką prace.

Chce się dzielić pięknem Polskiej ziemi z wszystkimi użytkownikami Steemit.

Powyższe zdjęcie wykonałem u mojej babci, przedstawia ono zachód słoncza w małym mieście niedaleko Olsztyna.


Hi Thank you for #introducingyourself. Im myself quite new in steemit community but I realized that there are few things you could do to have a better start:
Mostly I invested a little bit in STEEM in order to purchase STEEM POWER and STEEM DOLLARS. Why? Its simply important. Without initial investment it will be very hard for you to build reach here and be noticed.

Im not sure if you ever heard about this site:
Example: https://steemd.com/@example
Perhaps you know it already :)
If you will reply to this message (that would allow me to believe that we may develop mutual engagement and help each other) then I will follow you and upvote some of your future posts.
Cheers and good luck.

Great photo

I too like taking photographs of the sunset. In fact, I have some on my blog for you to see. Happy Steeming!

Welcome to Steemit Community

Excellent shot @platfinni colorful view