in #photography3 years ago (edited)
  • Srpski

Bajina Bašta je malo mesto u Srbiji, koje se nalazi uz reku Drinu. Kažu da je dobilo ime po Turskom feudalcu Baji Osmanu koji je tu imao velike bašte i raskošne vrtove pa je tako ostalo ime koje u strogom prevodu na engleski jezik znači Baja's garden.

Kada stignete u Bajinu Baštu uživaćete u predivnoj okolini koju okružuje planina Tara, i spektru najdivnijih boja šume, od tamno zelene preko zlatno žute i crvene. Bogatstvo prirode i konfiguracija terena posebno odgovara uzgajanju raznih sorta voća, a hladne i duge zime proizvele su potrebu za proizvodnjom dobrih voćnih rakija. Svojim predivnim šumom, smaragdno zelenom bojom, svežinom i mističnošću će vas dočekati i reka Drina. U pogledu na reku Drinu možete uživati dok pijete kafu u nekom od obližnjih restorana ili dok uživate u poznatom specijalitetu komplet lepinji, koji je specifičan za ovaj kraj.

Ipak bujna priroda predela, kao prvi razlog posete, padaju u senku ne zbog obilja kvalitetnih rakija po starim receptima, već zbog jedne jedinstvene kućice, zamislite gde, na steni, u reci Drini.

  • English

Bajina Bašta is a small town in Serbia, located along the Drina River. In strict English translation “Bajina Bašta” means Bajas`s garden. Legend says it was named after Turkish feudal lord Baji Osman, who had large lavish gardens, and the name remained.

When you arrive in “Bajina Bašta” you will enjoy the beautiful surroundings of Mount Tara, and the spectrum of the most beautiful colors of the forest, from dark green to golden yellow and red.
The richness of nature and the configuration of the terrain is particularly suited for growing various varieties of fruit, and cold and long winters have produced the need for production of good fruit brandies. With its beautiful sound, emerald green color, freshness and mystique, Drina river will welcome you. You can enjoy the view of the Drina river while drinking coffee in one of the nearby restaurants or while enjoying the famous specialty “komplet lepinji” (maybe to translate it like bun in full), which is specific to the area.

However, the lush nature of the landscape, as the first reason for the visit, falls into the shade not because of the abundance of quality brandies, made by old recipes, but because of one unique house. Can you imagine where? On a rock, in the river Drina.

  • Deutsch

Bajina Basta ist ein kleiner Platz in Serbien, die neben dem Fluss Drina liegt. Der Name von Bajina Basta stammt von turkisch Feudalherr Baja Osman, der viele grossen Garten und Parken dort hatte.

Wenn Sie in Bajina Basta kommen, könnten Sie in wunderbare Umgebung geniessen. Dort gibt es den Berg Tara, der am wunderesten Farben der Beüme hat. Die Farbe von den Beüme varrieren von grüne bis goleden gelbe und rote.Die Umgebung ist besonders passend für pflege viele Sorten von Obst und Gemüsse. Durch kalten und langen Winter, könnten Sie in verschiedene Schnaps von Obst geniessen. Mit Ihre wunderbare Lärm, smaragdgrüne Farben und frische wartet Fluss Drina auf Sie. In Ansicht auf den Fluss Drina, könnten Sie geniessen während Sie Kaffee in Restaurants in der Nähe trinken. Sie konnen lokale Spezialität komplett Fladen schmecken. Dieses Spezialität ist für diesen Teil von Serbien spezifisch.

Eigentlich reich Natur als das erste Grund von Besuch, fallt in Schatteln auf, nicht nur wegen guten Schnaps und alte Rezept, sondern auch wegen des Haus, stellen Sie sich es vor auf dem Stein auf dem Fluss Drina.


  • Srpski

Podaci kažu da je napravljena za odmor đaka i studenata tokom leta, kao i da je više puta padala pod snagom nabujale reke i da je svaki put obnavljana, pre ili kasnije. Tako da je vremenom dostigla status simbola i turističke atrakcije i sada zasluženo pozira brojnim turistima i fotografima, kako danju taku i noću.

  • English

The data say that it was made for the rest and fun of pupils and students during the summer. It fell several times under the force of the swollen river. And it was rebuild each time, sometimes sooner and sometimes later. So over time it has reached the status of a symbol and a tourist attraction, and now deservedly poses to numerous tourists and photographers, both day and night.

  • Deutsch

Die Daten sagen, dass Haus für den Urlaub der Studenten durch Sommer gebildet ist. Es war mehrmals von Kraft dem Fluss Drina zerstört, und auch es ist früher oder später repariert. Heutzutage das Haus ist Sinnbild und touristisches Attraktion für vielen Urlauber, die viele interessante Fotos durch Tagen und Nächten machen.


  • Srpski

U divnom pogledu na kućicu možete uživati sa obale, uveče u savršenom miru i zvuku reke, koju obasjava mesečeva svetlost, u zalasku Sunca i svim crvenim bojama neba koje samo priroda može da napravi ili u plavičastom jutru dok se novi dan budi. Ovakvi prizori odišu svojom prirodnom savršenošću, predivni su za umirivanje i uspostavljanje balansa, i punjenje energije.Ostaje samo da sami istražite ove predle i doživite svoje lične utiske, i vidite priče koje će vam kućica reći.

  • English

You can enjoy the beautiful view of the house from the shore, in the evening in perfect peace and the sound of the river, illuminated by the moonlight, in the sunset and all the red colors of the sky that only nature can make or in the blue morning while a new day wakes up. Scenes like this exude their natural perfection, they are wonderful for calming and restoring balance, and recharging energy. All you have to do is explore these areas on your own and experience your personal impressions, and see the stories that the house will tell you.

  • Deutsch

In eine wunderbare Ansicht, könnten Sie am Abend im perfekter Ruhe und Licht des Monds geniessen, am Mittag in Abendlicht und am Morgen bis neue Tag erwacht. Diese Anblicke strömen mit Ihre natürliche Perfektion aus. Sie sind wunderbar für Beruhigung und man kann Balance herstellen und man kann sich mit positive Energie füllen Sie können jetzt diese Umgebung erkunden und Ihre eigene Eindrücke erleben.



Portrait version tokenized on https://lensy.io/gallery/plumubble_made-with-nature_little-house-on-a-rock price is debatable.


Did you travel here or is this a place on your list?

Yes i did, these are my photographs, and half a text is mine, for the other half i had help... Would be nice to add more languages :-)

Nice. Do you travel you're own region or do you globetrot to get these shots?

For now my region, but the plan is to expand it. We will see what the future has in store :-)

I'm trying to get set up with an RV and a motorcycle to drag behind it, so I can camp and go-pro some scenery from the handlebars, but so far it's proving difficult.

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Wonderful place that you show us in your excellent photos, which go through several moments of the day to recreate the view of that little house on the rock on the Drina river. These images are almost dreamlike. Thank you and greetings, @plumubble.

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Beautiful place... and cool pics 👍

This is a nice place 😻

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