This meme is no meme, but the truth!

in #photography7 years ago

Probably only a married man will understand it. Tomorrow is my 15th wedding day, and I can confirm this, to be 100% true. If you just accept this, your life will become so much easier (Truth be told... sometimes, we like it like that)

I found this shirt in Croatia. It was worn by a tourist who is now married for more than 30 years (happy as he told me). And he agreed to me making a pic of it... Later unfortunately I was not able to find that shirt for myself, so if someone could find it in an online shop, I would be happy to know about it.
(Pic shot with Lumix G80)



Thank you for posting

A very humourous post.

Apologies....I have no information on such a tee-shirt.


Wishing you and yours all the best.

NB Hope the children are on the mend.

Congratulations for your 15 weddings. You are right, wives know better than google. If I will have founded t-shirt I will inform you on discord.

15th wedding day and you already agree to that. That's really something.

Jaja, so ist das mit der Ehe :)
Sag ja und du kommst durch, wies dann aber um deine Finanzen und co. steht, wird man dann ja sehen ^^

I've seen that shop. The hard part about selling the shirt is Google is trademarked so you can't legally use their name. When I saw the shirt the first time I so wanted to add it to my Amazon inventory, but then realized that it wouldn't ever fly with them.

oh and Happy Anniversary a little early.

ha ha ha...funny photography....i need this type hasbent

hahahaha... so schaut´s halt, mein Freund! Ab einer gewissen "Reife" erkennt man, dass Wissen Macht ist, aber nichts Wissen auch nichts macht :)

... oder kurz: einfach nur JA sagen.


Ja, wie wahr, wie wahr. Nur die wenigsten Wissen ja das im Hafen der Ehe auch Kriegsschiffe liegen... Macht man sich den Spruch zu eigen lebt es sich viel entspannter in der Ehe 😂

There is no doubt at all that the most beautiful relationship in the world is of Husband and Wife. Here is my meme :P


best message in interesting way. Respect for relations.

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Haha, couldn't know if it's true cuz I'm not married, but I believe you cuz I've heard the stories!

and this is the holy truth)

Is a great truth friend the wifes know all

Das ist die richtige Einstellung, tolles T-shirt. Happy wife happy life :) Das können nur echte Männer. In diesem Sinne herzlichen Glückwunsch und weitere schöne 15 Jahre. Liebe Grüße

LOL very very true, whoever designed this shirt is a genuis

Auf den Punkt - Die Wahrheit kommt immer ans Licht! :-)

haha this seems very great to know about a wife knows everything,
I am too much impressed about the greatness of a person towards his wife,

thanks for sharing

hahah no messing up with wife as she knows everything :D