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RE: Spicy Cajun Fried Cauliflower & Louisiana Sauce (FOOD PHOTO SHOOT)

It's really amazing to see that since you changed the ways to give upvote to the first one asking for the recipe, we are discovering so many trolls of steemit! And they keep on doing the same on each of your lovely post my friend.
If I were in your place and getting such people on my posts, I will definitely mute them forever!
Coming back to the recipe, knowing how hard worker you are...I am sure you will get that failed onion recipe right/perfect soon!
Btw I will happily enjoy your 'bugs' looking fried cauliflower...hmmm these are yummy bugs btw!Lol!


Thanks so much @progressivechef. So sorry it took me 6 days to reply to you. Thanks again for your continued support