A Strange Far-Right Contagion ; Blog; New Digital Art and Photography

in #photography3 years ago (edited)

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It has been a long 2 years for most of us, in various ways, but mostly for the same cause. If you are like me, you have a broad education in both the sciences and humanities. And you have been watching a tyrannical take over of the world in slow motion. Not really in slow motion, of course, but it feels that way, as you offer warning after warning to people; they either ignore you, or you get belittled and called anything from a misogynist to an anti-vaxxer, to anti-science, to the catch-alls that are conspiracy theorists and far-right racists.

Yes, folks there is a strange far-right contagion that has claimed the likes of Bernie Sanders supporting Joe Rogan, hippie-leftie Russell Brand, classical liberal Bill Maher ... and little ole, poetic beatnik me. Don't get me started on what has happened to electric car building and formerly Democratic voting Elon Musk. Symptoms of the contagion include critical thinking and making up your own mind about what medications you will take; discovering foul forces are on the move and trying to do something about it.

One clever internet denizen said it feels like trying to save someone from a burning building while they repeatedly punch you in the face.


I'm a feminist, the kind that is fun at cocktail parties and gets along just find with men; I abhor racism, always have, traditionally vote left, and have spent decades both in and out of school studying science.

I am full of vaccines, the old school ones ... you know that actually prevent illness and transmission ... ones that offer favorable relative risk ratios ... if you don't know what that means, you probably should have done some research before bragging about 'following The Science'.


But no amount of personal research/ class time mattered because I am not an expert; in other words the letters PhD or MD do not appear after my name.

So I offered some PhD/MD opinions, because I'm not actually a conspiracy theorist or anti-science and went to scientists to supplement my learning; but I was told those experts aren't really experts but conspiracy theorists and far-right racists. The had caught the catch-all contagion. We know this because the expert/intern fact-checkers at Reuters and Associated Press told us so.

How did the fact-checkers check facts ... they called up the agencies/individuals accused of lying and asked them if they were lying. They said no. And of course, these people are EXPERTS; and so of course, we should take their word for it.

It's called following The Science.

Then the fact-checkers cash their cheques generously supplied by pharma-linked board members. It's just like controlling for confounders and bias.


Now, don't you dare try to fact-check the fact checkers. That is like wearing a mask you found on the street after a freedom rally ... wait, what masks ... you will definitely catch the far-right contagion that way.

I literally tweeted a quote from the article. How was I ... a simpleton anti-vaxxer and conspiracy theorist ... to know it was misinformation.

"Have pity, twitter intern. Me not as good at following The Science as you."

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The tweet got my account locked; it couldn't have been for long because they had allowed me back on before I had time to notice, but labelled the tweet as misleading. The offence wasn't misinformation of course; unless more information is misinformation ... and often that is exactly what they are really concerned about. It was the source that Twitter didn't like.

Children's Health Defense is as its title suggests, not pro-pharma or government narrative, but pro-child. They are not anti-vaxx to my eye, but rather critical of the corruption found in the vaccine industry. They don't want to stop vaccination but want better vaccines and vaccine programs.

Vaccines have become a holy cow and that is problematic. Every new vaccine should be measured and tested on it own merits, and just because something is LABELLED a vaccine does not mean it is automatically safe and effective. That is not a scientific belief; that is marketing and a bias known as the Halo Effect.

Now you have a choice:

You can click on the link to 'Find out more' from agencies that habitually lied to over the last 2 years, or click on the link and get the 'actual' and nuanced truth.

Or click on nothing and keep scrolling.

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Perhaps we might come to understand that science IS amazing, but you can't 'follow' it like a religion or philosophy, and if you don't want to be misled by opportunists and profiteers, you must learn to question it critically and frequently. Otherwise you risk your health and the health of those you love and the health of our democracies. Our human rights.

I posted this yesterday but am going to keep posting it.

WATCH. It is VERY illuminating.


Our side , which in reality is your side, even if you don't think it is your side ... if your human and a decent person that wants the best for everyone ... it's your side ... scored a HUGE victory yesterday.

The CDC announced that the unvaccinated can now be treated equally.


A few days earlier Costa Rica also returned us to full personhood and everyone their bodily sovereignty.


Just in case you needed a little more persuading ...

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It was ironic that when Costa Rican President Robles was making his announcement, Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau was on vacation in the country. There are few so-called democratic leaders that have scapegoated like him or been worse perpetuators of charter abuses.

When Canadians finally began to rise up against his tyrannical measures, in the form of the Truckers Convoy, he was quick to label us a 'fringe minority with unacceptable views'. He couldn't get the army or local police to break up the protest, and so instead invoked the Emergencies Act, to literally but the boots to the protestors. He and his cabinet claimed there was no other way.

Turns out there was another way; a peaceful way.

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No one wants to be called a conspiracy theorist, anti-science or any other scapegoat term the globalist elites have decided works to turn us on each other. I should know. And I am certainly NOT pushing you farther righ. But if you can't withstand some name calling and ostracism, you will soon have to withstand far more. There will be no end to lockdowns and the death and destruction they cause; while the so-called elite jet around the world. There will be no end to dodgy medications they will coerce upon you and our children.

No more following The Science and charlatans like Fauci, Faux liberals like Trudeau. No more attacking your fellow human beings because they disagree or identify differently than you would have them identify. Or because they care for their health differently than you.

You are not being asked to storm the beaches of Normandy. You are being asked to consider the situation in front of you, consider if you had some of it wrong, over the last two years; to consider maybe, just maybe you were fooled, and to discuss it, to ask questions. Democracy, and the human rights that go along with it, were hard earned, and if we don't start asking questions and standing up for each other ... NOW ... they will be easily lost.

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