Mushrooms and Mirrors, Blog, Digital Art and Photography, Poetry and Spoken Word Revisited

in #photography3 years ago

Light to the Dark Mirror

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human vessel
a clutter of concepts
images and membranes

en masse

a blurred cityscape
agitated and distressed
progressing rapidly

have, be, have, be

human presence
limitless capacity
clenching conduit
impulsively trying
to decipher itself


extinguish doubts
and base thoughts
make connections
communicate compassion
gain mutual understanding

focus focus focus

vibrational, energetic
hidden atmosphere
shift awareness
inhabit knowing

bring light
to the dark mirror

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From My Rumble Response ...

My take on Elon is that he is intrinsically motivated and not a fan of corruption. You can trust him as long you don't expect him to be perfect. That would be true of most of us. He desires to do good for humanity and not simply feed off it. Trusting Big Pharma/Food, on the other hand, with your health is like putting the Big Bad Wolf and the Witch with the Gingerbread House in charge of eldercare/childcare. They'll fatten you up to consume you.

Any substance that one relies on in place of healthy living and mind dwelling will eventually cause problems. Eat well (and that is not how they told you to), sleep well, exercise and enjoy nature, Choose positivity whenever possible. Listen to more music and spend time creating, as you like. Learn to forgive; especially yourself. Learn to let go of blame and shame.

I still enjoy wine ... guilty ... but I do not use it to change my mood. It just tastes good and is a flavour enhancer. I see it as a food stuff. And make sure I am already in a good place before I pour a glass. I stop eating when it no longer feels good and can easily do the same with wine. I have never tried any illegal drugs and I have never tried mushrooms or MDMA. Perhaps mushrooms, or similar shamanic whole substances, might interest me under the right circumstance.


Psychedelics(or any kind of mood altering drug) can give one a glimpse of what it feels to let go of emotional resistance. Back when alcohol did offer a high; that was my experience. If you remove all the stress and negative mind talk, drugs can create a being who is closer to your purer self; but habitual and dependent use eventually 'greys' an individual; and the psyche is overwhelmed by the substance.

Learn to MEDiTATE!!! There is a pharmacy inside you. There are lots of way to reach this state for an over active mind. Walking meditation at sunset or in untouched nature, trance dancing; or make like a Derbyshire and spin in circles. Seriously.

I can be as simple as that.

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A river embodies
The male and the female
The yang and the yin
The assertive and the passive

Water flows through its course
With the strength of its flow
The land is shaped


At its surface
Running quick
The river reflects
The sunlight

In its still ponds
Shallow warmth
It nurtures youth

At its deepest
The river is dark and cold
Cradling what is spent
Allowing a restful descent
A long sleep

Until its nourishing silt
Is given to life once again

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Be the river through which the Tao flows
Accept all as it comes
Even death

Nurture and offer comfort
Change course when needed
Shape the world

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Link to Spoken Word


Words and Images are my own.

Bring Light to the Dark is published in Monsters, Avatars, and Angels and is a repost. MAA available in paperback or digital through amazon and your local libraries and bookstores.

Click on any title below to further explore and support my writing.









I enjoy a good beer, too, for very similar reasons. Occasionally wine, but I'm really picky about it.

Creativity and being creative is so good for the soul. It's an anti-depressant and anxiety reducer all in one. Often, however, beer and creativity are at odds with each other. Alas.

I think I feel about beer how you feel about wine. It has to be really, really good for me to partake. But very few years; I go rogue and have a cloudy Hef with fries and vinegar. Yum, Yum.

I have been creative under the influence of wine many times but I prefer the meditative state.