Moshi Moshii!!
At least twice every month i get called to come take some pictures for the bakery and this is some of the shots we achieved.
Enjoy. *(i'll look up enjoy in another language soon too)
Have a great day and all the best.
*thought quite rugged and unpleasing but this shot is one of my bests. I mean look at all those loaves....and another good thing shooting food is that if your not okay with the shape and styling, you could sentence them to digestion in the deep dungeons of your belly ^_^
![FormatFactorybread in oven.jpg]
*this is the wheat burger bread. very nutritious and tastes good even without anything. I know right!!! wheat bread tasting good on it's own.
*continuation for the campaign.
*AWESOME!!! TOTALLY AWESOME. These muffins taste better than they look and if your lucky some have these cherries inside of em. My aunt loves this one in particular.
*3d baby
*thats a shot of most of the products in the bakery.
The bakery is located at No: 22 Eloseh Street , Aguda, Lagos, NIgeria. They also have another one in the uk *(for all the uk steemians out there)'s called dainty bites. You can find them in instagram.
Have a great day*(again...^_^)
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