#Pic of day 2/12/2018 : Fatherhood Achievement Unlocked!

Was riding on the bus the other day and this dad walked on the bus with his stroller, moved over so he could sit at the seat with more space for the stroller. As I rode the bus I realized both the young boy and the father were fully asleep, they woke each other up now and then, or the movement of the bus did sometimes when the father woke up he would cuddle his son briefly and kiss him on the head. I dunno what about this got me but I was just in awe of the father's dedication, clearly they were exhausted but they both got a decent little sleep and he made sure his son was comfy and safe, and I thought to myself “now that’s the kind of father I want to be!” The last couple posts I made didn’t go anywhere so I don’t expect anything but just thought I would share this rare and touching moment, humanity has its moments and the world had lots of good in it despite some of the craziness.

Edit: wow the response has been awesome, you are all so awesome, thank you for the lovely comments, and upvotes for everyone! Yay!
Your comment, upvote, and resteem are my biggest motivation to post :-)