Cryptogee, if we ever have the opportunity to meet up in real life, the first round's on me: A pint of Guinness for you and I ... and a pint of motor oil for your gal-pal. :)
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Cryptogee, if we ever have the opportunity to meet up in real life, the first round's on me: A pint of Guinness for you and I ... and a pint of motor oil for your gal-pal. :)
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Ah yes, how can I forget my biomechanical love? :-D
Forgotten already? Cryptogee ... maybe you've got commitment issues as well. :-)
You know, given the propensity of everyone to psychoanalyze a fence-obsession, perhaps you ought to consider running with this theme. You're a complicated guy ... I'm sure there's lots more where that came from.
Of course, if you really wanted to have some fun, Google the profile of some serial-killer who ate his neighbors and dribble it over a number of posts. Psychoanalyze this. Psychoanalyze that.
"Why do I always think of barb-a-que sauce when I see my boss?"