Greetings all! It looks like we may survive the HF's. I am still not caught up on replying to all comments and "upvoting" them, due to the down time. I still do not fully understand the full impact of the two HF's. I still see my "upvote" on steemit comments only show 50 percent of the vote value. I finally gave up trying to find information as to where the other half goes to. I do most of my "upvoting" through In this way I can see what impact my vote has in terms of NEOXAG, and as I stated last week I do not have to see 50% of my vote disappear
What do you think of my new format for my post, and the addition of Spanish interpretation? Please remember I do not read or write Spanish, although I recognize some words. I also will have quotes around some words because they do not translate well, and at times the word is unique to steem blockchain. At times I find the translation software leaves the English word in quotes and other words it translates, although many times incorrectly. When a word is in quotes I can find it easier and either change my choice of word(s) or inert the English word. Depending on time I may take out the quotes in the English translation. Once my text is translated into Spanish I take that and paste it into a second translation software. Then if needed I go back to the original English text and try to change some words, and go through the process again. Yikes! Time consuming, yet I think over time it will get easier
I also have several followers who said they would help with any translation as I need it. Some have said they would also read it and offer suggestions. I am grateful for this. It is important that if something does not translate well and it is posted I am open to constructive feedback.
Through this I will learn. In the past someone had did a post about me and I was trying to respond back that I was "honored" translated as "humiliated". That matter was cleared up thankfully. This is why it is important to give me feedback.
¿Qué opinas de mi nuevo formato para mi post, y de la adición de la interpretación al español? Por favor recuerde que no leo ni escribo en español, aunque reconozco algunas palabras. También tendré citas alrededor de algunas palabras porque no se traducen bien, y a veces la palabra es única para referirse a la cadena de bloqueo. A veces encuentro que el software de traducción deja la palabra en inglés entre comillas y algunas palabras traducen, aunque muchas veces de manera incorrecta. Cuando una palabra está entre comillas puedo encontrarla más fácil y cambiar mi elección de palabra(s) o insertar la palabra en inglés. Una vez que mi texto es traducido al español lo tomo y lo paso a un segundo software de traducción. Luego, si es necesario, vuelvo al texto original en inglés y trato de cambiar algunas palabras, y sigo con el proceso de nuevo. Yikes! Requiere mucho tiempo, pero creo que con el tiempo será más fácil.
También tengo varios seguidores que dijeron que me ayudarían con cualquier traducción a medida que la necesitara. Algunos han dicho que también lo leerían y ofrecerían sugerencias. Estoy agradecido por ello. Es importante que si algo no se traduce bien y se publica, esté abierto a comentarios constructivos. A través de esto aprenderé. En el pasado alguien había hecho un post sobre mí y yo estaba tratando de responder que estaba "honrado"... se traducía como "humillado". Ese asunto fue aclarado gracias a Dios. Por eso es importante que me des tu opinión.
Now let us talk about my photographs. Above you will find a beautiful pink rose. I know I have not used this photo before, but I may have had a different view of this rose. I framed it because I feel it belongs in a frame.
Ahora hablemos de mis fotografías. Encima encontrará una hermosa rosa rosada. Sé que no he usado esta foto antes, pero puede que haya tenido una visión diferente de esta rosa. Lo enmarqué porque siento que pertenece a un marco.
This next photograph I have had for awhile and keep moving it into a folder for the next post, but I feel it is time to use it. It is some type of a lily from what I can tell.
Esta siguiente fotografía que he tenido durante un tiempo y seguir moviéndolo en una carpeta para el próximo post, pero siento que es hora de utilizarlo. Es una especie de lirio por lo que puedo decir.
I have had a few photographs of deer with a young one, and of course there was the twins. This doe may be the offspring of the one that has twins. I say this because this young fawn was born late in the season. I am seeing other young fawns with the spots already completely faded.
He tenido unas cuantas fotos de ciervos con uno joven, y por supuesto estaban los gemelos. Esta cierva puede ser la descendencia de la que tiene gemelos. Digo esto porque este joven cervatillo nació al final de la temporada. Estoy viendo a otros jóvenes cervatillos con manchas que ya han desaparecido por completo.
I am using a Canon EOS Rebel T5 for all of these photographs, except where noted.
Estoy utilizando un Canon EOS Rebel T5 para todas estas fotografías, excepto cuando se indique lo contrario.
Please read this post for more information on using this bot. You have to deposit some NEOXAG in order to use the bot. Be patient once you use the command because it takes a little bit for it to show in the post. I also want to point out that in the comment section of the post there is also more great information on using the bot. Also, in the comments section @celinavisaez asked about promoting his post using NEOXAG. @zaku-ag gives a great explanation for this. I have seen the button but I had no idea what it was really for. You can promote your own post or other user's posts. Check it out!
Creo que en la sección de comentarios de la semana pasada @ospro usó Neoxian.City Tribe Tip Bot y me envió un consejo. Estoy señalando esto, no porque quiera "a tip", sino porque aquellos de ustedes que tienen NEOXAG en su billetera Neoxian.City pueden dar propinas a otros usuarios. El enlace para obtener más información sobre este servicio es:
Por favor, lea este artículo para obtener más información sobre el uso de este bot. Tienes que depositar algo de NEOXAG para poder usar el bot. Ten paciencia una vez que uses el comando, ya que tarda un poco en aparecer en el post. También quiero señalar que en la sección de comentarios de la entrada también hay más información sobre el uso del bot. También, en la sección "comentarios" @celinavisaez preguntó acerca de la promoción de su "post" usando NEOXAG. @zaku-ag da una gran explicación para esto. He visto el botón, pero no tenía ni idea de para qué era. Puedes promocionar tus propios mensajes o los de otros usuarios. Compruébalo!

Anyone who sees something that is not quite right you can point it out in your comment or Private Message me through "Discord". Constructive feedback is how I can improve. Thank you to all. I greatly appreciate
Cualquiera que vea algo que no es del todo correcto puede señalarlo en su comentario o en el Mensaje Privado a través de "Discordia". La retroalimentación constructiva es la forma en que puedo mejorar. Gracias a todos. Aprecio mucho

You have nice dayit's very nice photography @r2cornell
Thank you very much.
Wow, the deers are just standing and looking exactly opposite to each other. Hence a perfect angle to take this shot. the flowers are usually good. Namaste grandpaa @r2cornell.
Thank you very much. I appreciate it
Wonderful photos have a great weekend
Thank you very much.
Me encanta tu nuevo formato en español. Gracias por incluir a la comunidad hispana.
Colorful flowers picture
Thank you very much.
There is no choice, all of your flower photography is very beautiful @r2cornell, from pink roses to sunflowers everything is beautiful, if I had a flower garden like that, I would take pictures in the flower garden everyday
Posted using Partiko Android
Thank you very much. I am always seeing some new to grab my camera because I see something new to photograph.
La creación de Dios es magnífica, sorprende la gran variedad de especies con características impresionantes. Me maravillan verdaderamente, y los ciervos son unos de ellos, que además me cautivan, y las flores son bellisimas. felicitaciones, bendiciones r2cornell
Great photography
Thank you very much.
Este post ha sido votado por @acropolis en su temática tribus en colaboración con el proyecto @templo.
Bienvenidos a mi blog.
Welcome to my blog.
Awesome photography, Thanks for sharing
Thank you very much.
I loved it friend, if it looks a bit messy, but just the gesture of doing it also in Spanish means a lot, at least to me.
And your photographs as always are fabulous, I love the cover of the post, and the great detail of the framing makes it stand out even more.
Regards 🌺
Muchísimas gracias. Aprecio sus amables palabras.
He podido editar este "post" y arreglar algunos de los problemas. Seguiré trabajando para mejorar el formato.
Me alegra que le gusten las fotografías, incluyendo la rosa enmarcada.
Many thanks. I appreciate your kind words.
I have been able to edit this "post" and fix some of the problems. I will continue working to improve the format.
I'm glad you like the pictures, including the framed rose.
Really all flowers are so beautiful but I think this flowers is the best in this post

Please sir see my post
Thank you very much. This is a very unique Lily.
Comunidad de Hispano Hablantes, te invitamos a formar parte de nuestra comunidad.Curamos la etiqueta #spanish con el token SPACO de la
Como siempre una excelente selección de fotografías, además es un agrado tener sus publicaciones también en nuestro idioma, por eso ha sido seleccionada por el equipo de curación de @sinergica.Bienvenidos a mi blog.
Welcome to my blog.
Outstanding photography
Thank you very much.
Another fascination photos collection. Always appreciate your effort.
Have a great day.
Thank you very much.
What a beautiful flowers.

Thank you very much.
Great photography ❤❤❤❤❤❤💖💖💖
Thank you very much.
@r2cornell nice photo clicks.
Thank you very much.
Amazing photography
My deer photography
Thank you very much. I like your deer photograph. Thank you for sharing
Thank you
I love flowers, i like this sunflowers picture, its so beautiful.
Thank you very much.
Great post sir.. I like it this post
Thank you very much.
Pink rose is really great but I can see the deep orange color flower as more detailed with its micro petal distinctly visible.
Thank you very much. I appreciate it.

Thank you very much.
Perfect shoot

Thank you very much
Beautiful flowers picture

Thank you very much.
Pink rose 🌹 is just awesome and little drops of water makes it even more beautiful. Although all are good but I like roses a lot so like this one little bit more than other flowers.
Thanks for sharing @r2cornell
Thank you very much. I appreciate it! There is something about a pink rose that is just awesome!
Congratulations sir,I am new join steemit.
I like it this post.i love flower 🌹🌹🌹 🌹.
Thanks for sharing your post.good day
Thank you very much.
Me encanta la naturaleza y tus fotos están hermosas, conozco de tu apoyo brindado a varios proyectos y deseo dejarte un gran abrazo de felicitaciones por tu buena intensión. La traducción esta muy bien y valoro tu esfuerzo por compartir en dos idiomas, me alegra leerte. Buena vibra
Muchísimas gracias. Bienvenidos a mi blog. Me alegro de que la traducción sea buena. Seguiré esforzándome por mejorar el formato y la traducción.
Thank you very much. Welcome to my blog. I am glad the translation is good. I will continue to strive to improve formatting and translating.
I am also very confused with 50% percent of payments. in your opinion, the other 50% go where? I do not know about that.
as usual you display many beautiful flowers. I love the lilies and sunflowers that you display.
I have no idea where the other 50% goes when I upvote a comment on steemit. It is frustrating, and yes confusing. I try and do my replying to comments and upvoting through ...This way I do not have to see what happens on steemit.
Thank you very much with regards to my flower photographs.
yes, you have great neoxian power. and in my opinion it is the best thing you do than you will see 50% lost. I also feel a little sad when I see 50% missing. but I'm sure they have good goals for steemite. I hope in the future 100% will be given again.
Posted using Partiko Android
Super photography
have a nice day
Thank you very much.
Beautiful collection of flowers . Namaste .
Thank you very much.
Awesome pics taken . Namaste .
Thank you very much.
Beautiful sunflower

Thank you very much.
very nice and great photography my dear friend @r2cornell
Thank you very much
Just amazing blog sir
Thank you very much.
So Beautiful photography

Have a great day sir
Thank you very much.
Entiendo perfectamente lo que dice sobre la traducción, es un trabajo adicional grande, porque se debe revisar y volver a revisar, para no escribir alguna palabra de forma incorrecta.
En cuanto a sus fotografías, como siempre es un placer disfrutar de su trabajo, siempre son maravillosas.
Bueno por ahora me despido y le deseo un excelente fin de semana. Cuídese mucho.Saludos Sr. @r2cornell, me gusta mucho el nuevo formato y lo felicito, la traducción al español, está bastante bien, solo con unos mínimos detalles, pero se entiende a la perfección.
I fully understand what it says about the translation, it is a big additional job, because it should be reviewed and rechecked, so as not to write any words incorrectly.
As for his photographs, as it is always a pleasure to enjoy his work, they are always wonderful.
Well for now I say goodbye and wish you an excellent weekend. Take care of yourself.Greetings Mr. @r2cornell, I really like the new format and I congratulate you, the Spanish translation is pretty good, just with a few details, but it is perfectly understood.
Esta vez tomó más tiempo, pero la mayor desaceleración en este post es el formateo. Seguiré trabajando en ello.
Me alegro de que haya disfrutado de las fotografías.
This time it took longer, but the biggest slow down on this post is formatting. I will keep working on it.
I am happy you enjoyed the photographs.
I love rose. Nice rose
Thank you very much.
Your flowers pictures are always captivating and beautiful to watch
Thank you very much.
Hardfork is hard to understand for me. But I can understand the beauty of the pink rose and all other flowers. It seems like you are a nature and animal lover. In fact I am too and I think they need to be protected from exploitation. I also find that you are a regular and hardworking gentleman in your daily schedule. I appreciate the organized way of presenting the blog.
Thank you very much. I appreciate your feedback. I hope each week my format will improve. Several people have offered suggestions on markdown techniques.
We just needed steem to rise up with it price so we can feel the supposed good effects of Hardfork for our curation works and earnings but it indeed had affected the low SP holders even most of the Dolphins. @r2cornell
I like the Sunflowers particularly the big ones because they have edible seeds :D
Yes we need steem prices to start moving up again. With the Tribal Tokens I believe it can help offset the changes in earnings. That is why I tell people to send their links from My upvote their is stronger, and it even reflects a little in earnings on steemit.
Some of my sunflowers have larger seeds that can be eaten. The more colorful sunflowers have smaller blooms so seeds are quite small. I saw yesterday that the birds have started eating some seeds, so I will start cutting some of the sunflower heads to dry for seeds next year.
I like flowers that can be eaten like Tulip bulbs, Rose petals, and sunflower seeds @r2cornell :D
The tribal tokens like Neoxag will just maybe follow BTC bull run, it will be time to sell.
But sometimes I think that I will not see it in the future because of my current medical condition.
Your Spanish translation is so good!
It's nice to see so work and time you take to do this.
I do the same for writing in English, although I can read fractions of text
without using the translator, writing is more complicated and the translator makes the job easier, then I do a revision to correct errors that alter the meaning, although the grammar may not be good.
There are some who judge that we communicate in this way,but this is a social network and the world is changing, we are removing social and language barriers.
As for the format, it happens to me the same, the syntax of markdown sometimes makes these mischiefs, perhaps it is easier to place the text separately. First English and then Spanish without using two columns.
The photos of flowers were really beautiful. A rose so soft and delicate, the sunflowers seem to speak, the colors of lily and Zinnia are so vibrant.
I was hoping to improve the layout. It looks really good on steempeak... I have some thoughts on what to try next post.
"this is a social network and the world is changing, we are removing social and language barriers." I have a similar view since beginning on steemit.
My previous post I alternated paragraphs and it worked fine. I just thought the current format looked nicer.
Gracias por su visita. Me alegro de que hayas disfrutado de las flores. Gracias por los comentarios.
Esperaba mejorar el diseño. Se ve muy bien en steempeak.... Tengo algunas ideas sobre qué intentar en el próximo post.
"Esta es una red social y el mundo está cambiando, estamos eliminando las barreras sociales y lingüísticas." Tengo una opinión similar desde que empecé con Steemit.
Mi entrada anterior alternaba párrafos y funcionaba bien. Sólo pensé que el formato actual se veía mejor.
Beautiful rose

Thank you very much.
Hello sir, Hope you will be fine and Blessed, All Photographs are beautiful but the rain drops give them more and rich beauty nice captures have a great day to you sir stay blessed and healthy always
Thank you very much. Glad you enjoyed photos
I love this sunflower picture
Thank you very much.
I liked the new format of your post. It is much more convenient and it’s good that there are always people ready to help. Your flowers are beautiful as always. I liked sunflowers more. They look like a greeting card. Very beautiful.
Thank you very much. I will continue to improve with my formatting, as I feel I have done with my photography.
Wowwwww beautiful flowers 🌻🏵🌿👌
Thank you very much
Such a great photography, deer picture is amazing'

Thank you very much.
You are welcome
Interesting blog post
Thank you very much.