No quiero pasar mucho tiempo en temas de HF. He estado muy decepcionado con las ganancias de Steemit. La única razón por la que mostré una cantidad mayor en el post del fin de semana pasado es porque @priyanarc me incluyó en el Sunday Steem Curation "post" de @theycallmedan. Me gustaría agradecer a @priyanarc por colocar mi enlace de "post" junto con otro en la sección de comentarios. Me gustaría agradecer a @theycallmedan por su generoso "upvote". Fue una sorpresa muy apreciada.
Sé que muchos que no tienen mucha SP tienen que vivir con bajos ingresos. Bueno, después de 2,5 años y una cantidad considerable de SP, no he ganado mucho en los últimos posts. Es difícil cuando se dedica tanto tiempo a trabajar on un "post", y lo que creo que es una publicacion de calidad, y los ingresos son bajos. Es por eso que recomiendo encarecidamente a la gente que use plataformas de Tribus como, así como que use "tags" de algunas de las mejores Tribus. También animo a la gente, cuando me envían enlaces, a que usen el enlace desde Usted ganará más con mi voto al hacer esto.
Now let us move on to some photographs. This next photograph is another of my sunflowers. I was able to take the photo when just a small amount of sunlight was touching it. This was enough to light up the center as well.
Ahora pasemos a algunas fotografías. La siguiente fotografía es otra de mis girasoles. Pude tomar la foto cuando sólo una pequeña cantidad de luz solar la tocaba. Esto fue suficiente para iluminar el centro también.
"The neoxag had two inflation pools:
50%: Proof of Brain (the forum)
50%: Mining
I am adding a new inflation pool and adjusting the percentages of the current pools.
The new pool is Proof of Stake. Holding Staked Neoxag earns you an interest on that stake.
Here are new stats:
60%: Proof of Brain (the forum)
10%: Proof of Stake: earning from your staked Neoxag
30%: Mining
NOTE: This does not add new inflation. It simply reallocates who gets the existing inflation."
Link to full article:
"El neoxag tenía dos piscinas de inflado:
50%: Prueba de Cerebro (el foro)
50%: Minería
Estoy añadiendo un nuevo fondo de inflación y ajustando los porcentajes de los fondos actuales.
La nueva piscina es Prueba de participación. Holding Staked Neoxag le hace ganar un interés en esa estaca.
Aquí están las nuevas estadísticas:
60%: Prueba de Cerebro (el foro)
10%: Prueba de participación: ganar con su Neoxag "stake".
30%: Minería
NOTA: Esto no agrega nueva inflación. Simplemente reasigna quién recibe la inflación existente".
Enlace al artículo completo:
This will help most users and holders of NEOXAG, because you will be earning interest on your "staked" NEOXAG.
Neoxian, or Mr. Dragon on the Tribe's Discord server, seems to be thinking forward for long term stability of NEOXAG. I think this will be the first Tribe that offers interest to those that "stake" their "tokens". This rewards all of us that have staked NEOXAG. How fair can that be?
I hope most of you will be happy if not excited about the changes. Miners stand to be the only ones to lose, but that is only if they are not "staking" their "tokens", and not curating. If we expect higher prices the more "staked tokens" the better earnings we can expect. So, I encourage you to stake as much NEOXAG as you can.
Esto ayudará a la mayoría de los usuarios y poseedores de NEOXAG, ya que usted ganará intereses sobre su NEOXAG "staked".
Neoxian, o el Sr. Dragón en el servidor de Discordia de la Tribu, parece estar pensando en la estabilidad a largo plazo de NEOXAG. Creo que esta será la primera Tribu que ofrezca interés a aquellos que "stake" sus "tokens". Esto nos recompensa a todos los que hemos apostado por NEOXAG. ¿Qué tan justo puede ser eso?
Espero que la mayoría de ustedes estén contentos si no están entusiasmados con los cambios. Los mineros son los únicos que pierden, pero sólo si no están "apostando" sus "fichas", y no curando. Si esperamos precios más altos, cuantos más "staked tokens" haya, mejor.
Then I received a critique by @priyanarc, along with suggestions in formatting. I always try to be open to constructive criticism, although I may not like to hear it (damn ego), but it is through that kind of feed back that I learn more and you see the results in the layout of this post. I trust @priyanarc, and although I did not respond to her immediately, I was trying out what she suggested and yes she was right. For that constructive criticism I thank you very much @priyanarc.
Check out their posts from both of these users. It will be well worth your time.
I was not happy with parts of my last post and did not understand why the formatting did not work the way I wanted it to. Some followers offered me suggestions and I did a little more reading and I feel this post has come out better. I would like to say thank you to @blessed-girl for her suggestions.
Luego recibí una crítica de @priyanarc, junto con sugerencias en el formato. Siempre trato de estar abierto a la crítica constructiva, aunque puede que no me guste oírla (maldito ego), pero es a través de ese tipo de retroalimentación que aprendo más y ves los resultados en el diseño de este post. Confío en @priyanarc, y aunque no le respondí inmediatamente, estaba probando lo que me sugirió y sí tenía razón. Por esa crítica constructiva les agradezco mucho a ustedes @priyanarc.
Echa un vistazo a sus mensajes de estos dos usuarios. Valdrá la pena su tiempo.
No estaba contento con partes de mi último post y no entendía por qué el formato no funcionaba como yo quería. Algunos seguidores me ofrecieron sugerencias e hice un poco más de lectura y siento que este post ha salido mejor. Me gustaría dar las gracias a @blessed-girl por sus sugerencias.
I continue to be open to feedback.
Sigo estando abierto a las opiniones de los demás.
Why am I making this statement? Well, this week I was informed of someone who was part of an old group of scammers. I traced the flow of funds through a few users and ended up in an old group that I had "muted". This person has been banned by steemcleaners. She had been using my logo, along with other users.
This is negatively reflected in my reputation, and I have worked hard to build my presence on these platforms. I thought the scammers had left my life, but they found a way to get back in.
So please, do not use my logo in your posts, from this date forward. Thanks for your understanding. I do not want to mute people, but I have hundreds that I have muted.
¿Por qué estoy haciendo esta declaración? Bueno, esta semana me informaron de alguien que formaba parte de un viejo grupo de estafadores. Rastreé el flujo de fondos a través de unos pocos usuarios y terminó en un viejo grupo que yo había "muted". Esta persona ha sido prohibida por los "steemcleaners". Ella había estado usando mi logo, junto con otros usuarios.
Esto se refleja negativamente en mi reputación, y he trabajado duro para construir mi presencia en estas plataformas. Pensé que los estafadores habían salido de mi vida, pero encontraron la forma de volver a entrar.
Así que por favor, absténganse de usar mi logo en sus mensajes. Gracias por su comprensión.
I am also adding another to my list of programs for this section. They are just starting out and are offering a service focused toward the Spanish Speaking community. Check their blog out at
También estoy añadiendo otro a mi lista de programas para esta sección. Apenas están comenzando y están ofreciendo un servicio enfocado hacia la comunidad de habla hispana. Visite su blog en
I am back to doing one post per week partially due to learning the new formatting. Also, my days tend to be very long in caring for the two disabled ladies, keeping up with outdoor chores, and all the other daily responsibilities.
I do plan on taking most of Friday and going for a day trip to get away by myself. Not enough to rejuvenate myself, although it will give me time for a mental break.
When October arrives I will get more time to myself out in the forest, hunting to add to my winter meat supplies. The hiking is great exercise and I like to sit in one place for a couple of hours at a time.
I hope you have a great weekend and a great week ahead.
He vuelto a hacer una entrada por semana en parte debido al aprendizaje del nuevo formato. Además, mis días tienden a ser muy largos en el cuidado de las dos mujeres discapacitadas, en el mantenimiento de las tareas al aire libre y en todas las demás responsabilidades diarias.
Planeo tomar la mayor parte del viernes y hacer una excursión de un día para escapar por mi cuenta. No lo suficiente para rejuvenecer, pero al menos para tener un descanso mental.
Cuando llegue octubre tendré más tiempo para mí mismo en el bosque, cazando para añadir a mis provisiones de carne de invierno.
Espero que tengan un gran fin de semana y una gran semana por delante.

Hola querido amigo, no había tenido la oportunidad de leerte mucho en mi idioma materno, y ahora que he leído este post tuyo completo, me ha encantado. He estado ausente por fallas en la conexión, pero ya estoy de regreso.
El formato que estas usando está muy bien, te felicito, se ve muy fluido y ordenado.
Las fotos están muy bellas. Es increíble que puedas hacer una foto tan cercana de un ciervo. Esto me hace pensar que vives en medio de la naturaleza lo cual es como un sueño muy bonito.
Muchas gracias por compartir tus recomendaciones acerca del uso de las tribus como Neoxian, yo uso fielmente su etiqueta, siguiendo tus recomendaciones.
Hasta luego.
Un abrazo :D
Me alegro de saber de ti. Muchas gracias por los comentarios sobre mi nuevo diseño y el uso de su idioma. Sigo ganando seguidores de habla hispana, así que decidí trabajar para hacer los cambios.
Esperamos que el formato y el idioma mejoren. Traduzco del inglés al español en un programa y del español al inglés en otro. Y luego regresa y cambia el inglés para conseguir una buena traducción. También tengo algunos seguidores que conozco bien que corrigen mi mensaje y me ayudan a corregir las cosas.
Es un proceso que consume mucho tiempo, pero lo estoy disfrutando.
Vivo en medio de la naturaleza, así que las fotos de los ciervos están cerca de mi casa. Tengo algunas con un teleobjetivo y mi cámara Canon, pero tengo 4 cámaras de juego configuradas para que cuando un ciervo se acerque tome unas cuantas fotos automáticamente.
Me alegra que la información sobre las "tokens" y Tribus sea útil. Con steemit habiendo cambiado esta es una nueva forma de aumentar las ganancias.
Hello. This week i think great. I Heard many good information in this week(in 3 day)
neoxian made a new will meke happy.
oky...some day's ago i note some useer use your logo.But thy work worng. your decision is good.
some scamer and spammers decrease your reputation.
!neoxag 10
Thank you very much. Also, thank you for the tip
When will Steem recover sir at least to 0.5 usd. It is really hurting now. EVen a 10k SP holder would probably have the same line of thinking. Are you optimistic on Steem.
Your flower photography is something every minnow waits for it. So I request you again to post at least 2 blogs per week sir. I appreciate your effort. Thank you.
Thank you very much. I appreciate it!
I am unsure about steem. I believe it is here to say. I do not like the free downvotes, because I have seen them misused. Those just starting out are unable to do much unless they are able to purchase steem on the open market. Time will tell... In the meantime I believe that there is more excitement in the Tribes, and I like what I see in the better ones.
2 post per week would be nice...I am still learning this new format and it is taking me longer to get a post ready. I am also very busy in my everyday life. I am making good progress in getting things outside ready for winter and do have time. Our house is still in upheaval due to tiling the entire house.
So for now I will continue focusing on one good post per week and see what happens once winter settles in.
@r2cornell, Another brilliant flowers collection. These teddy bear sunflower different than other sunflowers. I really like these rose flowers and second sunflower model. It's look hot and nice.
Thank you very much. I appreciate it! I am glad you enjoyed.
Hermosas imágenes, amigo, y lamentablemente los peces pequeños ganamos mucho menos, pero estamos confiados en que poco a poco esta situación mejorará :,) Gracias por el apoyo, un abrazo de tu seguidor y amigo .
Es por eso que me gustan las Tribus y sus "tokens". "Earning" desde varias plataformas al mismo tiempo puede ayudar. Si es posible, el 50% de la apuesta debe permanecer "staked" para que los nuevos usuarios puedan crecer.
Creo que hacer menos publicaciones para algunos, pero hacer que las que hagan sean de alta calidad puede ser el camino a seguir. ¿Por qué publicar 1 foto, cuando puedes combinar un par de mensajes en un solo mensaje?
It is why I like the Tribes and their "tokens". "Earning" from several platforms at the same time can help. If at all possible the 50% staked should remain "staked" so newer users can grow.
I think doing fewer posts for some, but making those they do high quality may be the way to go. Why post 1 photo, when you can combine a couple of posts into one post?
I share your ideas, friend, tokens and tribes are to help a lot to receive greater rewards, to make publications that attract more attention, it is also part to continue growing, a hug :,)
The Teddy Bear sunflower is just so attractive @r2cornell as well as the timeless Rose variety there, the Petunias and the Dwarf Asters :D and I really would love them in a garden because they are truly magnificent work of God.
Thank you very much. Flowers always leave me amazed.
Interesting blog post
Thank you very much.
This new format looks amazing and turned out pretty well. Infact from partiko , it looks amazing.. You have done a great job and congratulation on that... 😁😁😁 About HF21 I am pretty sure I will find out some way to survive.. hahaha... amazing photographs infact love teddy bear sunflower.. So pretty.. Thanks a lot for giving me chance to suggest about format and happy that new format looks amazing...
Stay blessed and have a nice day dear..
Thank you. Your suggestions were invaluable. I greatly appreciate the input. I see a few places to work on for the next post, but it does look better.
Hehehe... Well I am open for more suggestions... 😁😁😁😁 with ideas...
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Nothing to say about second picture! Just awesome it is. Thanks for this nice gift.
Thank you. I love that second photo as well.
Wow fantastic photography .it is really look. so excellent article .

thanks this post sir
Have a nice day
TRDOTRDO!Congratulations @goldcoin, you are successfuly trended the post that shared by @r2cornell! @r2cornell got 6 & @goldcoin got 4
"Call TRDO, Your Comment Worth Something!"
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Thank you very much. I greatly appreciate it. Thank you for the Tendtoken.
Teddy bear sunflower delightful with frame. You always provided adorable natural photo collections with important information about our blockchain. Highly appreciated your effort always.
Thank you very much. I appreciate it!
1st sunflowers pic is fabulousFabulous photography @r2cornell
Thank you very much. I am hoping the cold weather holds off until the Teddy Bear Sunflower set seeds. I have been able to start collecting flower heads from the other sunflowers. I have to stay one step ahead of the birds.
Me gusta mucho la flor peluche. Es muy tierna. es diferente a los otros girasoles.
Y me gusta mucho el ciervo, su jardín debe ser muy bonito yo me lo imagino como un parque.Hola sr @R2cornell. Ya regresé a steemit. Tenía tiempo que yo no publicaba porque pasé varios días en casa de mi abuela y venia y luego me iba otra vez para pasar vacaciones. Luego estuve enferma. Pero pronto volveré a publicar.
Muchísimas gracias. Me alegra saber que te sientes mejor.
Me alegra que te guste el girasol. El año que viene espero cultivarlas en contenedores porque no llegan a ser muy altas. La fotografía del ciervo está en un pequeño barranco detrás de mi casa. Estaba en mi patio trasero viéndolo comer. Tengo suerte de vivir tan cerca de la naturaleza.
Estaré atento a tu "post", a medida que te sientas mejor.
si, debe ser chévere vivir cerca de la naturaleza.
This is valuable post . its excellent camera shots. i love it rose flowers.
Thank you very much.
Thanks for mentioning me. It is a pleasure to help 😊
When I saw your main flower, the first thing that came to mind was a teddy bear, and when I read ... hahaha. It's his name, it really lives up to his name. Thanks to your publications I have known the great variety of sunflowers that exist.
The sunflower Red wine, I did not imagine that it existed.
I love the nuanced roses, in fact all the nuanced flowers I love, that's why your petunias are lovely for me. and the asters ... are so cute!
Su ayuda con los problemas de formato y traducción es muy valiosa.
You assistance with the formatting and translation issues is in valuable.
It's my first time seeing a teddy bear sunflower, really interesting, it looks thicker than other sunflowers, I was very impressed to see a sunflower that I had never seenNice to meet you again, it's been a long time since I saw your post, how are you @r2cornell ?
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Thank you very much. Glad you were able to visit my post. This Teddy Bear Sunflower is something else. The blooms are small, and they are only knee high.
You're welcome, A happiness can add new insights and knowledge about new flowers,
Posted using Partiko Android
Good of luck.Wow that's very nice flower @r2cornell
Thank you very much.
Beautiful pictures. U snap it perfectly.
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Thank you very much.
Inner BlocksYou have been curated by @hafizullah on behalf of : a community encouraging first hand content, with each individual living their best life, and being responsible for their own well being. #innerblocks Check it out at @innerblocks for the latest information and community updates, or to show your support via delegation.
Thank you @hafizullah
Thank you very much. I really appreciate it.
So beautiful flowers
Thank you very much.
very beautiful sunflowers, nice to look at
Posted using Partiko Android
Thank you very much.
This post has been manually curated, resteemed
and gifted with some virtually delicious cake
from the @helpiecake curation team!
Keep up the great work!Much love to you from all of us at @helpie!
Manually curated by @priyanarc.
Community Witness.
For more information about our project,
please visit this month’s UPDATE post.
@helpie is a
Thank you very much. Cake is always good, but cheese cake tops them all, especially with strawberries
I love flowers so much I have seen many flowers on earth, but I saw sunflower like this first.
Thank you. That first one is quite unique. I am hoping to save seed for next year.
I was scratching ym scrteen I thought there was a fruit fly or something on the screen. It's the BEAR flower :)
LOL. I thought of you when I posted it. Was wondering if you would see it
good photography friend
thank you for sharing
I wich to you a good day
Thank you very much.
welcome friend
Me fascinaron las fotos donde pude apreciar una gran variedad de flores que inclusive no conocía alguna de ellas, como el girasol fucsia, la petunia y los asteres. Aunque me encantaron las demás, son espectaculares, por ejemplo la de ciervo comiendo de las ramas, las rosas Y los asteres. Gracias cornell por compartir. Bendiciones.
Muchísimas gracias. Me alegro de que lo hayas disfrutado.
I thank you for all the information you always share, it is very helpful for those of us who are neophytes in this world of tribes.
The selection of photography as always was a delight in sight, all are very beautiful, I am always very grateful that you share, the wonders of the world around you.
Thanks and happy weekend.Greetings, Mr. @r2cornell, I hope you are well, I see that you are doing better with the Spanish version of your post, in addition, that the two-column format was very good this time, I am very happy.
Thank you @francyrios75! There are just time the formatting does not work like I think it should. I am using to translators to get as close as I can to the correct Spanish. And, I got a little help along the way.
I am glad the information is helpful, and of course that you enjoy the photography.
I love all of your pictures, Sir. Very beautiful.
Thank you very much.
The pink+purple shade is looking more beautiful. However, the teddy dear sunflower is ideally the one which should be placed at the top and has been placed at the top. I love to see the dear also. Its a beautiful blog grandpaa @r2cornell. Steem is really difficult to earn at th moment, but some of thr tribes are trading bullish and one of them is NEOXAG.
Thank you very much. I am glad you enjoyed.
The Tribes do see be an excellent way to go for many of us. I cannot stress it enough for those with low Voting Power (steem power)
Always waiting for your magnificent flowers. We now have the same time of flowering asters. They also like me for their variety of colorings and unpretentiousness. Thank you for the wonderful messages.
Thank you very much. I am glad you enjoyed
এইটা চন্দ্র মল্লিকা ফুল। আমি দেখছি এই ফুল। এই ফুলটি হলুদ এবং সাদা রং এরও হয়ে থাকে। আপনার ফটোগ্রাফি গুলো অসাধারণ। আমার আপনার পোষ্টটি অনেক ভালো লেগেছে।

আপনাকে অনেক ধন্যবাদ. আমি আপনার মন্তব্য এবং ভিজিট প্রশংসা করি।
I don't want to say that some of the flowers that I see are rare flowers, even in my country that looks very difficult to obtain
Thank you. That is one of the nice things about these social platforms we get to see flowers we may otherwise never see.
Teddy bear sunflower is the most beautiful flower. I really like it
Thank you very much. I am glad you liked it.
Such wonderful photos have a great weekend
Thank you very much.
You have nice dayIt's very nice photography @r2cornell
Thank you very much.
I love this deer picture
Thank you very much.
I love Teddy Bear sunflower flowers. excellent camera shots and great work sir
please sir see my blog
Thank you very much. I appreciate it!
Amazing, A lot of Happiness I got here
Thank you very much.
Amazing blog sir
Have a great day sir
Thank you very much.
Mind blowing

Thank you
China rose, I see this flowers in our area

Thank you very much. China rose is a great name!
Teddy Bear Sunflower is awesome.
Thank you very much.
Woww teady bear sunflower looking beautifull i love it :) your Photography is amazing :)
Thank you very much. I am glad you liked the photos.
This is really a nice and well written article with beautiful flowers collection, the dark red sun flower is very attractive thank you for exploring such a great flowers photographs have a good day to you sir stay blessed
Thank you very much. I appreciate it.
@r2cornell nice photo clicks.
Thank you very much.
This flower and this photoshoot must be appreciated and this is really one of unique kind. It a kind of camouflage type. Thank you for uploading this beauty.
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Thank you very much.
I am first see this type flowers.

Thank you.
Great post sir.. I like it this post
Thank you very much. I am glad you enjoyed