I did not have the time to post yesterday, as I did last week. I am going out of town Sunday and I am trying to get a lot of work done outdoors before we leave. Mostly, I am working on getting my garden planted. I was working on that today when a thunderstorm moved in. I thought it would be a good time to work on a post. Problem is I had too many photos that I wanted to share for a single post. Therefore, I will post one today and another tomorrow. Today I will focus on photographs taken at my place. Tomorrow I will post photographs from the Manito Park trip we took early last week. Hopefully, you will enjoy both posts.
I have been trying to get a decent photograph of one of my **African Violet** houseplants without a lot of success. Most came out okay, but after weeks of trying I think I found one that I believe is pretty nice:

I have posted a Coleus plant before, but this one has three kinds in the same pot.

This next one is a variation of a petunia that I used in an earlier post. The coloring is a little different:

This next one I found growing wild in my pasture. It looks like a Coreopsis, which I have never grown on my current property.

Next are a few vegetables that I grow. Due to our short growing season I grow some vegetables in containers. Some in greenhouses in containers or in the earth. This first couple of photos are of a greenhouse variety of cucumber I grow in containers. The first one you can see I have a shelf at the back of the greenhouse and then train the vines to grow across the ceiling. To the right I have a few tomato plants in pots to get earlier fruit. I have to place all these in trays to hold water or in the heat of the sun they dry out too quickly.

Next are some containers I grow greens hydroponically. The first is Bok Choy and the second one is a type of Chinese Cabbage:

I grow my main crop of tomatoes in a "hoop house" which is a type of greenhouse. I am able to grow directly in the earth with these. I still plant a row in my garden but due to cold nights they do not do quite as well, but I still get some. I also have deer that think my garden is a grocery store and they raid it every night.

Speaking of deer, I had a young buck visit my water tank and salt lick during daylight so was able to get a nicer photograph from my game camera. He is still in velvet, which is a stage when their antlers are growing. I had some deer that did not look very healthy so I put a sulfur/salt block out for them. It is suppose to help keep tics off of them. The tics spread disease. I could not get any sulfur blocks last year and a number of the deer did not look well last Fall or this Spring. Now that they have it available to them, along with fresh water they are looking better.

This has turned out to be a mixture of photographs. I hope you enjoy the series of photographs. Stayed tuned for tomorrow because I have some nice flower photographs to share, along with some other photos from my visit to Manito Gardens last week.
Seeing as I will be out of town until late Wednesday, I my not get to reply to as many comments until I get back. Sometimes the Internet will work and I have the time then I will work at it before I get home.
As always I appreciate all the support for my posts. I always appreciate Resteeming of my work. As I have said in previous posts if someone wants to use one of my photos please ask, or in the least provide the credit to me. In the event you do use one you should indicate in your post you are using it with my permission, or one of the nasty bots will find an issue with it.
So, until tomorrow...

Very good photography grandpa. The flowers are gorgeous
Thank you dear.
she is your granddaughter?
yes she is the one & only beauty queen of @r2cornell sir!
Yes she is my granddaughter.
Lovely granddaughter sir. same name😍
She uses her real name. First name is Alaysia
sir my first name is Alaysha
Not everyone's but yours photography can always be eye candy. Very nice flowers. Thank you.
upvote and resteem done.Your photography always touch our mind and heart @r2cornell sir. very nice photography always share with us. thank you sir.
Thank you very much
Every time you share with us fabulous collection of photography. I feel happy sir when I see your photography.
Thank you very much
Great photography dad! I like the mixture of the different photos.
Thank you very much. I am happy you enjoyed my post
Great photography dad! I like the mixture of the different photos.
Thank you hon.
Wow Amazing photography.
For your post propagation.
Great photography sir @r2cornell, Keep inspiring us through your photography and stories. Stay blessed.
Thank you
Great photo! I love how you captured all the different color. Keep it up!
Really nice post from you
as a photographer, It's Helpful For Me #Thanks for sharing.
Wow this is wonderful photography. i love it

Upvote Resteem
Thank you
Very nice flower photography, I always do a reblog on the Good father post.
@r2cornell we love your photography, especially of the flowers. Thank you for sharing
You are also great.and beautifull flowers
Great work sir,best photographs i have see in recent times,thanks a lot for sharing.
your photographi style is realy good sir i like it..
Thank you!
Very intersting description but when u read these one i'm enjoying so much @r2cornell sir. definitly your post deserve resteem. I hope every people do it.
Thank you very much!
Ofcourse @r2cornell sir. your photography also win our heart. every time i feel love when i see your flowers phoyography. upvote & resteem from my heart @r2cornell sir.
Being in the garden with a variety of flower plants and other plants would be nice and make our mind so cool. I enjoy what you share.
Like @r2cornell
Thank you. I agree with your sentiment.
The images and plants are really beautiful, I also love nature, plants and I am passionate about Bonsai.
Some beautiful & memorable photography by my dear @r2cornell
What a wonderful collection of images!
Wow very very beautiful photography and wonderful flowers.
wow amazing really nice and colorfull flower..like a real photographer..
Beautiful photography of flowers and bridge pic is best capture .
Thank you very much
Awesome photography
My Dear friend Thank for the share.....//////////
Thank you very much
well great to see your post even when you have work in hands keep us updated with interesting posts and all the best to you :) enjoy the day
Thank you very much
Exquisite master ... Very fresh flowers and vegetables .. I really enjoy the beauty of this master @r2cornell. Perfect...
Thank you very much
Amazing work from you sir,your blog is always a special place for me.
Thank you very much
So sweet flowers dear friend. you have so beautiful flowers collection. you can gift me some flowers dear!
Awesome flower and vegetables farming .
Namaste sir
Thank you very much. Happy you enjoyed.
Interesting colors I like to enjoy them
You are having great skills sir,love the photographs you share some times i will hangon on steem for your posts,thats the impact you have created.
I really love your post. I always waiting for your update post. I love your photography sir @r2cornell. I am really a nature lover. Those flowers and plants looks very amazing and great. Thank you so much for sharing sir.
Thank you always for visiting my blog
These are really eye candy great work @r2cornell,have a great day,i love these pictures a lot.
Thank you very much
Wonderful photographs sir,cant get better than this,thanks a lot sir for sharing.
Thank you very much
you have successfully demonstrated a decent photo of your ornamental plant.
good post.
Upvote and Re-Steem
Postingan yang begitu Keren @r2cornell, dengan bunga yg beraneka Ragam,,, berbagai jenis dengan warna yang sangat cerah dan cantik, saya sangat menyukainya dan saya ingin selalu mengunjungi blog Anda @r2cornell...
Thank you very much. I always appreciate you visiting my blog.
Terima kasih banyak. Saya selalu menghargai Anda mengunjungi blog saya.
Sama Sama kawan, saya juga Demikian,, yang selalu besyukur atas kunjungan anda di blog saya,... @r2cornell
Beautiful flowers and vegetables plants . Namaste
Thank you
your photography alltime best.because everytime sharing nice picture flower and vegetables plant.today i wake up my sleeping bed and check my feed.i looks you post giving 3hours ago.but this time my country time 9:00am.your flower really very attractive and pretty vegetables plant..just perfect photography.i am really appreciate your photography and great post.i always support your work.this plant pots just fantastic.i follow your photography styles.because its alltime original and real..but you not giving post everyday.can ione question pls?what days you posting in your blog.thanks to sharing best postin this platform.personally i think it everytime.very well done.take care yourself and best of luck of your great work. may god bless you and your family.obviously your wife.i want your support alltime my steemit work.i know if you support my work alltime i am of course early success in my future.my blessing alltime with you and your wife.take rest.all the best..this deer really very impressive.your full post just mindblowing..i am attractive your post and big fan of you and your pist.its very appreciating.sir @r2cornell i respect you alltime..
Thank you very much. I usually post on Saturday. Last week i posted on Thursday and Saturday...it may be a day forward where you live. It rained today so i decided to prepare tomorrows post. In that process i decided to do an extra post today because i had too many photographs to choose from. Check for another post tomorrow (might be this evening for you).
Thank you for your kind words
yeah,really very appreciating conment..your flower photography alltime best.i am learning alots of new thing of your photography post and you doing best word comment in my blog.its of course my good luck.i am comment your next post.i know always doing very best work in this platform. alltime i check your id i seen most of the time you doing resteem for every steemians friend.its really big support for all steemians friends and its gives alots of encouraging their own work of steemit platform.but sometimes i can not reply your comment proper time.i say that you.sorry for my late.because sometimes my network conection very pain gives me and obviously i am busy my family work..so,don,t misunderstand me.hopefully u understand my problem.thanks for your good comment and keep supporting always my work..very well done..take care yourself and best of luck of your great work.may god bless you..all the best for your good opinion thought.live long happily with your family.specially your wife..take rest properly.. sir @r2cornell
Thank you. I understand internet issues. I am just pleased when you are able to visit
yeah,i am everyday visit your blog.because i know your post very important for me.specially i am a big fan of your photography and seen how you capture picture flower and vegetables,another secne nature beauty.i think that,when you giving post and then i read your post and seen doing.i am learning alots of new thing of my steemit work post giving matter.but i am face a big problem alltime when internet connect doing everyday problem.i can not any work my steemit.this platform everything for me.because my every dream success being this pkatform work doing obviously your help alltime needs for me.its gives very early success in my future.so,i want your fully supporting my work and help.thanks to sharing for your great comment.very well done.take care yourself and best of luck of your great work.may god bless you. my sir @r2cornell take care of your wife properly..all the best.
Very nice flowers and vegetables plan@r2cornell sir.
Well done..
Dad, your photographs are always wonderful!
Your first post— wowwww violet flower !! My favorite color is violet.. and i love this african flower .. thank you for sharing this photo 👍👍👍 the petunia color is also very nice very rare to have this variation of flower..
The yellow flower look like sunflower .. new flower to me ☺️
And your green garden— really very nice and clean garden.. love those chinese cabbage - leafy green vegetables good to our health..
Thank you for sharing ..
More posting 👌👌👌
God bless you and your family..Oh yes!! I really love your post.. @r2cornell
Thank you very much
Your flower pictures, and others, are really nice, I'm sure you're not using a cell phone like I do. 😀
What camera do you use?
Thank you very much. And thank you for visiting my blog.
wow so @r2cornell you are not only expert as a photographer but you also proved you are also a good gardener. Amazing flowers plant and vegetable you grow. All the pics are really beautiful Thanks for sharing @r2cornell
Thank you very much
I like your garden. You are passionate about gardening. It's fun and enjoyable when you see your garden full of vegetables and flowers.
Thank you sharing @r2cornell this! Looking forward to reading your next post.
Thank you very much. Happy you enjoyed.
Photography is a way of putting distance between myself and the work which sometimes helps me to see more clearly what it is that I have made.
it's really awesome your photography i just love it sir ...
you are only one in this platform, just want to show your perfection of photography..
thank you .
Thank you very much
The plants get their common name "African violet" from their superficial resemblance to true violets (Viola, family Violaceae).
The genus is named after Baron Walter von Saint Paul-Illaire (1860–1940), the district commissioner of Tanga province who discovered the plant in Tanganyika (now Tanzania) in Africa in 1892 and sent seeds back to his father, an amateur botanist in Germany, and for the father.Two British plant enthusiasts, Sir John Kirk and the Reverend W.E. Taylor, had earlier collected and submitted specimens to the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, in 1884 and 1887 respectively, but the quality of specimens was insufficient to permit scientific description at that time. The genus Saintpaulia, and original species S. ionantha, were scientifically described by H. Wendland in 1893.
Revisions of the genus by B.L. Burtt expanded the genus to approximately 20 species. Due to recent studies which showed most of the species to be very poorly differentiated, both genetically and morphologically, the number of species has been reduced to six, with the majority of former species reduced to subspecies under S. ionantha, in a recent floristic treatment.As of 2009, 9 species, 8 subspecies, and 2 varieties have been recognized.
Old name vs. current name
Thank for the information on the African Violet.
Right Sir...
Along with flowers, vegetable garden is very beautiful. Vegetable cucumbers of the garden have grown a lot and after some days. Cucumbers will be suitable for eating. It was very good sir photography
Thank you very much
Gorgeous photographs oh nice to see cucumber because it is one of my favorite vegetable in summer for salad you are the best sir.SOoooooooo
nice of you.God bless you always.I like petunia.
Thank you very much. Happy you enjoyed.
Light makes photography. Embrace light. Admire it. Love it. But above all, know light. Know it for all you are worth, and you will know the key to photography.
love to join it
Thank you for your comment
most welcome my dear sir r2cornell..