Greetings all. Well we have had an interesting week with two hardforks in two days. As I start writing on Friday it seems there are a few glitches. I know @steembasicincome is still working on being able to vote on posts again. What would normally have been upvoted on your post should continue to build until they get things working on their end.
Saludos a todos. Bueno, hemos tenido una semana interesante con dos hardforks en dos días. Según empiezo a escribir el viernes, parece que hay algunos problemas técnicos. Sé que @steembasicincome todavía está trabajando en poder votar las publicaciones otra vez. Lo que normalmente habría sido un voto en tu publicación debería continuar desarrollándose hasta que todo funcione bien.
I am reserving judgement on the HardForks...Truthfully, I am not clear as to what the HF actually is doing. I have read bits-and-pieces, but no one source of information seems to make it clear. Many have voiced there is a concern that those just starting out and those with low SP will be hit. This can be difficult, especially for those who rely on some of their income to support themselves. I have read posts of those who were behind the HF patting themselves on the back, while others are upset. Those who were busy patting themselves on the back seemed to pretty defensive and not at all helpful to those who were upset. Some people just do not have people skills. When something like this is done, there are those who are not able to take constructive criticism. To those I speak of instead of getting defensive and angry find someone who can communicate with the masses and also remember the variations in languages. It would not hurt to think through the impact on others besides yourselves.
Me reservo juicio sobre el HardFork... A decir verdad, no tengo claro qué está haciendo realmente. He leído fragmentos, pero ninguna fuente de información parece dejarlo claro. Muchos han expresado que existe la preocupación de que aquellos que recién comienzan y tienen un SP bajo se verán afectados. Esto puede ser duro, especialmente para aquellos que dependen de algunos de sus ingresos para mantenerse. He leído publicaciones de aquellos que estaban detrás del HF dándose palmaditas en la espalda, mientras que otros están molestos. Aquellos que estaban ocupados dándose palmaditas en la espalda parecían bastante defensivos y nada útiles para aquellos que estaban molestos. Algunos simplemente no tienen habilidades con las personas. Cuando se hace algo como esto, hay quienes no son capaces de aceptar críticas constructivas. Para esos a los que me refiero, en lugar de ponerse a la defensiva y enojarse, encuentren a alguien que pueda comunicarse con las masas y que también recuerde las variaciones en los idiomas. No estaría de más pensar en el impacto en otros además de ustedes mismos.
Currently when upvoting comments on Steemit there seems to be some value that disappears. No one has been able to explain this to me. I will be doing my upvoting through www.neoxian.city for a couple of reasons. First I have a little more voting power there. Second I do not have to see part of my upvote disappear.
Ahora mismo, cuando se votan comentarios sobre Steemit, parece haber algún valor que desaparece. Nadie ha sido capaz de explicarme esto. Estaré votando a través de www.neoxian.city por un par de razones. Primero, tengo un poco más de poder de voto allí. Segundo, no tengo que ver desaparecer parte de mi voto.
I have had followers come to me in desperation because they are living in a region where making a living is difficult and all they are worried about is losing part of what they were making to support their families. And it was not much in the first place. Cutting into that really hurts.
Me he encontrado a seguidores desesperados porque viven en una región donde es difícil ganarse la vida y lo único que les preocupa es perder parte de lo que estaban haciendo para mantener a sus familias. Y no era mucho en primera instancia. Cortar eso realmente duele.
Me? I am looking for solutions. My first instinct was to get out of this mess, but as I settled down I started focusing on the new tribal tokens. My favorites right now and has been www.neoxian.city and Creative Coin. This is not to ignore other tokens I support. I have the most voting power on www.neoxian.city. In both cases there are some great people to interact with.
¿Yo? Estoy buscando soluciones. Mi primer instinto fue irme de este desastre, pero a medida que me iba calmando empecé a concentrarme en las nuevas tribus con tokens. Mis favoritos hasta ahora han sido www.neoxian.city y Creative Coin. Esto no quiere decir que ignore otros tokens que apoyo. Tengo el mayor poder de voto en www.neoxian.city. En ambos casos hay algunas personas geniales con las que interactuar.
También apoyo firmemente https://www.spanish-tribe.com, y su símbolo. Planeo continuar usando su etiqueta en mis mensajes. Dado que recomiendo encarecidamente a los usuarios de habla hispana que usen la etiqueta neoxian además del español. De esta manera, usted ganará dinero con ambas plataformas.
En caso de que tenga alguna pregunta, por favor háganosla saber. Siempre puedes contactar conmigo a través de "Discord".
Editado el 1 de septiembre:
Dejé caer parte de mi contacto original que estaba escrito aquí para reflejar cosas que han cambiado. Tengo las cosas arregladas con la tribu española. No estoy seguro si esta votación a la baja fue de un bot, o persona. Sólo afectó a una pequeña cantidad de SPACO. Regalo mucho más que eso diariamente.
Hablé con varias personas y finalmente hablé con el administrador @nelyp, quien me ayudó mucho y no le tomó mucho tiempo a @nelyp ver por qué estaba usando la etiqueta. Lo que más me molesta es quién, o lo que sea, "devaluó" mi puesto. Un comentario al respecto habría sido más cortés y menos perturbador.
Voy a tratar de trabajar para que cada párrafo se duplique en español para mis muchos seguidores. Lo he hecho en el pasado cuando estaba recaudando fondos para el bebé en Venezuela que necesita cirugía. También animo a los seguidores, especialmente a los nuevos que si publican en su idioma, a que proporcionen una traducción al inglés.
No sólo @nelyp me lo tradujo, sino que un nuevo seguidor de Peru (@chris94) se ofreció a leer el texto en español y me hizo saber si tenía sentido. Entonces @joseacabrerav se ofreció a ayudarme también. También! Wiri Wiri Wiri (wiriwiri) fue tan amable de enviarme una invitación al servidor de Discordia de la tribu española. Creo que cambiaron su nombre y por eso no estaba ya en mi lista at discordia.
Esta edición la hice con un par de programas de traducción. @nelyp tradujo el resto. Por eso estoy agradecido!
Those of you that send me links of your posts be sure you are using the neoxian tag, and then send me the link from there (neoxian.city). You will earn more currently by having me upvote comments on neoxian.city, and half the upvote has not been disappearing like on steemit. Then with your earnings at neoxian.city, 50% are staked and the other 50% goes in your liquid account. In the event you need to cash some in to pay your bills draw from the liquid account, but try and let the staked part build up. In the long run this will lead to more income for you. Also do not just dump it at a low price. Doing that hurts all of us trying to use NEOXAG.
Aquellos de ustedes que me envían enlaces de sus publicaciones asegúrese de estar usando la etiqueta neoxian, y luego envíenme el enlace desde allí (neoxian.city). Ahora mismo, ganarán más si voto sus comentarios en neoxian.city, y la mitad del voto no ha desaparecido como en steemit. Cuando obtengan sus ganancias en neoxian.city, el 50% va a stake y el otro 50% va al líquido de su cuenta. En el caso de que necesiten retirar algo para pagar sus facturas, sáquelo de la cuenta en líquido, e intente dejar que la parte en stake se acumule. A la larga, esto les generará más ingresos. Además, no lo suelte a un precio bajo. Hacer eso nos perjudica a todos los que usamos NEOXAG.
I have some thoughts of what I am going to do with all my Steem Power, but I am still processing it. I will share any decision in a post so everyone knows and understands any decision I make. For now let us all take advantage of the Tribes and their tokens. I am going be working with the Tribes no matter what happens.
Tengo algunas ideas sobre lo que voy a hacer con todo mi Steem Power, pero todavía lo estoy procesando. Cuando haya decidido qué hacer, lo compartiré en una publicación para que todos sepan y comprendan cualquier decisión que tome. Por ahora, aprovechemos todas las tribus y sus tokens. Voy a trabajar con las tribus sin importar lo que pase.
Always remember what you do is your decision. I am offering a partial solution(s) that I am using or considering, and my alt account is fully engaged in. As we have seen with the price of steem, there are no guarantees as to value or that they will be there in the future. In the event I end up with no voting power on steemit, you will be glad you are on neoxian.city if you want an upvote from my posts.
Siempre recuerden que lo que hagan es su propia decisión. Estoy ofreciendo una(s) solución(es) parcial(es) que estoy usando o considerando, y mi cuenta alternativa está totalmente comprometida. Como hemos visto con el precio del steem, no hay garantías en cuanto al valor o de si estarán ahí en el futuro. En caso de que termine sin poder de voto en steemit, se alegrarán de estar en neoxian.city si quieren un voto de mis publicaciones.
Enough of all that! What do you think of the above photograph of the rose. I am still trying my new photo editor and some of it's features. Personally I could stare at this photo for a long time.
¡Y basta ya de todo esto! ¿Qué opinan de la fotografía de la rosa de arriba? Todavía estoy probando mi nuevo editor de fotos y algunas de sus características. Personalmente, podría quedarme mirando esta foto durante mucho tiempo.
So what can I follow up the rose with. I thought I would share a photo of a doe and her twins. Those of you who have followed me for sometime (at least last year), you will recall me posting photographs of a doe and her twins. She has twins every year. I was getting worried for her because I had seen no sign of her. She has her young late compared to most. This year it seems as though she is even later. She is an older doe...I think I have been watching her for 7 or 8 years now. She is showing her age in this photo, although she looks healthier this year than last. By the way last years twins continue to travel together; there is a buck and a doe. Normally, they do not stay together during summer months, but because they are twins they are together for a little while longer.
Entonces, ¿con qué puedo seguir después de la rosa? Pensé en compartir una foto de una cierva y sus gemelos. Aquellos de ustedes que me han seguido durante algún tiempo (al menos el año pasado), recordarán que publiqué fotografías de una cierva y sus gemelos. Tiene gemelos cada año. Estaba ya preocupándome porque no había visto ninguna señal de ella. Va un poco más retrasada en comparación con la mayoría. Este año parece que ella se le hizo aún más tarde. Es una cierva mayor ... Creo que la he estado observando durante 7 u 8 años. Se puede ver su edad en esta foto, aunque se ve más saludable este año que el anterior. Por cierto, los gemelos del año pasado continúan viajando juntos; son macho y una hembra. Normalmente, no permanecen juntos durante los meses de verano, pero como son gemelos, se quedan juntos un poco más de tiempo.
I found this photograph from earlier in the year and to be honest I am not sure what flower it is. I love the cheerful color.
Encontré esta fotografía de principios de año y, para ser sincero, no estoy seguro de qué flor es. Me encantan los colores alegres.
I thought a little blue would go well with the yellow flower above. I am not sure what flower this is, but believe it is a very small bloom that I enhanced by using my macro-lens:
Pensé que un poco de azul iría bien con la flor amarilla de arriba. No estoy seguro de qué flor es esta, pero creo que es una floración muy pequeña que realcé usando mi macro lente:
My sunflower patch continues to bloom. There seems to be new ones opening daily. I have been waiting a couple of days between photo sessions so I had more photos. I am saving many for later posts, and hope to have many more to take photos of this season. I thought I would include 2 Sunflower photographs in this post. The first is just nice and bright, but the second one is different and one of my favorite. Hope you enjoy both.
Mi mancha de girasoles continúa floreciendo. Parece que hay nuevos abriéndose todos los días. He estado esperando un par de días entre sesiones, para tener más fotos. Estoy guardando muchas para posteriores publicaciones y espero tener muchos más nuevos a los que tomar fotos de esta temporada. Pensé en incluir 2 fotografías de girasol en esta publicación. En la primera son bonitos y brillantes, pero el segundo es diferente y uno de mis favoritos. Espero que disfruten de ambos.
Now that is what I call an ending to the photographic section of my post! I trust each of you found at least one of the photographs that pleases you.
I am using a Canon EOS Rebel T5 for all of these photographs, except where noted.
¡Eso es lo que yo llamo un buen final para la sección fotográfica de mi publicación! Confío en que cada uno de ustedes les haya gustado al menos una de las fotografías.
Estoy usando una Canon EOS Rebel T5 para todas estas fotografías, excepto donde se indique algo diferente.
Estoy publicando a través de steempeak.com por primera vez. Hasta ahora me resulta fácil de usar, pero estoy seguro de que hay aspectos que aún tengo que aprender. Creo que ha habidoun par de personas que me sugirieron el uso de steempeak en las últimas semanas. Ayer @zaku me recomendó probarlo. Dijo que era fácil de usar y debo decir que es más fácil de lo que pensaba. Así que muchas gracias @zaku.
Como muchos de ustedes ya saben, menciono caritativamente a algunos usuarios que intento dar apoyo. Sigo ayudándoles de cualquier manera que pueda. He apoyado a los siguientes durante bastante tiempo. Por favor, visita sus blogs y apóyalos de cualquier forma que puedas. Hasta los pequeños votos se suman.
Each of these users have a unique service they provide and I applaud their good work. Thank you for considering them.

Yea, the tribes and their tokens have really kept one occupied.
Good flower, good mood.
Thanks sir
Thank you very much...The tribes can offer much in the current situation
First of all, I commend your possition on HF whatever
I am as puzzled as you are. I have tried to read as much as I can but I think the gap that separates those in the know from the masses just widens with every HF.
All I see is a diatribe about the downvotes. I particularly dislike that bottom. Most crappy bloggers have the SP to obliterate any small account downvoting as a form of protest to crappy/racist/violent/gross content. Bullying will be on the rise now.
I see the defensive reactions as corporate reactions. We see this in insurance companies, car dealers, the military, and big corporations. They will always justify their decisions and the collateral damage is something you just suck up and move on. Whatever disadvantage you are in is because of you. You have not been ambitious enough, creative enough, active enough.
I beg to differ, but, let's talk about flowers instead (those in the know seem to have their minds settle on self-interests).
Beautiful rose. With all those drops one feels like eating it up. Looks refreshing :)
Lovely family of deers. So great you have been able to track this doe's births for so many years.
Thank you for your comment. I think you have said things well.
Thank you in regards to photographs.
Hello Friend how are you?
Very beautiful your photos friend.
This of the tribes is new to me, I'm going to read a little about it to prove it.
Regards !!
I am doing better today. If you look over my edit to this post you will see I have complied with the "rules" for using the spanish tag. Thank you in regards to the photography.
With regards to the Tribes you really need to investigate. Focus on the quality ones. Anyone's comment that I upvote will earn Tribal tokens for the tags I use (e.g. neoxian, palnet, creativecoin, spanish, etc.) You should log onto https://steem-engine.com and see if you have any tokens there. If that does not work send me a Private Message via Discord and I will walk you through a couple of the tribe's platforms, and from there the wallet for that token.
I will, thank you very much!
Beautiful pictures, Sir. I like ur photos
Thank you very much.
Steem Journey and over the period of time will analyse how Hardfork changes effected this space. Until then your flower journey is spreading the peaceful essence. Stay blessed.@r2cornell, I am also continuing my
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Thank you. My main focus is on what can be earned through the Tribal Tokens. You do not need much steem to do well with the Tribal Tokens. There are some that are junk, but some of the better ones allow for steady earnings. Each person earns on all the tribal tags I use, whether they know it or not. That can add up.
Welcome and that's true Tribal Tokens are opportunity too.
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Thanks for improving our moods too with your posts 😊😊
Thank you very much
My favorite flower photo.
Thanks for sharing your post
Thank you very much.
Gorgeous flower 🌺 Have a wonderful day! @r2cornell
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Thank you very much.
Water drops on rose are looking very nice. Nice photography. Namaste
Thank you very much.
I also totally agree with you. i also can't get a good explanation about hf.
and many low power accounts get downvotes. in my judgment this is the wrong action. this can't make steemit better. in my opinion, to create a better steemit, it should not only be aimed at a small account, but also on an account that has a large strength.
at the moment, many accounts that have huge power continue to rape the prize pool. they even raped the prize pool to the lowest point. in just 2 weeks, they were able to get thousands of steem. and they sell in large quantities. they will not care about the impact on steem prices. and they don't care about steemite.
It should be people like that who have to do downvote actions so as not to do greater damage to the price of steem.
I also really like the flowers that you display. lots of beautiful sunflowers.
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Thank you for your comment. I have never liked down-voting and flagging, unless there was clear wrongdoing such as plagiarism. Even then there have been flagging, down-voting and even blacklisting that was not appropriate.
Glad you like the sunflowers. Many more to come in future posts.
Interesting blog post 👍
Thank you very much.
great photography my dear friend @r2cornell
Thank you very much.
Flowers and deer are beautiful creatures in this nature.
Thank you very much.
How beautiful, it is expressed in your publication, the desire you have to help the community and several of us who have just started and do not see results, even more with these changes that many do not favor us. Thank you for caring for others, a huge hug. And I thank you for mentioning me :,)
Saludos Sr. @r2cornell, como siempre es un gusto saludarlo y admirar sus hermosas fotografías.
La fotografía inicial es sencillamente maravillosa, con esas gotas de rocio.
Greetings Mr. @r2cornell, as always it is a pleasure to greet you and admire your beautiful photographs.
The initial photograph is simply wonderful, with those drops of dew.
Muchas gracias @francyrios75. Aprecio sus comentarios.
¿Hay alguna posibilidad de que sepan cómo puedo contactar a alguien de Spanish-Tribe? He sido "desestimado" por usar la "tag" española. Pensé que tenían un servidor de Discordia, pero no pueden localizarlo.
Thank you very much @francyrios75. I appreciate you comment.
Is there any chance you know how I can contact someone from Spanish-Tribe? I have been "downvoted" for using the spanish "tag". I thought they had a Discord Server, but cannot locate it.
You see, this is what I mean. How can downvoting a user like you, who have done so much for the hispanic community, can help create and promote community? I just don't get it. Why not just leave acomment or suggestion? Why does everyone seem to be in such a defensive mode. You have included spanish texts in your posts. I congratulated you for that and I think that a downvote from a hispanic community does very little to promote the kind of engagement you have been working on here. I am terribly sorry about that
Muchas gracias @hlezama. Agradezco su apoyo.
No estoy seguro si fue un bot el que hizo el "downvote" o una persona. Llegué al Tribes Discord Server, y como era de esperar la gente fue de mucha ayuda y eventualmente chateé con nelyp (administrador). Creo que tengo todo resuelto y ahora conozco las "reglas" para usar la "etiqueta" española. Desde entonces he editado mi "post". Emocionalmente me impactó porque nunca había sido "desestimado" en 2,5 años, y nunca habría usado la etiqueta si no hubiera tenido algo de español en el "post".
No me preocupa demasiado la pequeña cantidad de SPACO que perdí en el "downvote". Me preocupaba más que ninguno de mis seguidores "ganara" SPACO. Regalo más SPACO en un día de lo que se perdió.
Lo más importante es que parece estar resuelto y tendré una traducción al español cuando use la etiqueta. Entiendo que el 50% del "post" debe ser en español.
Intentaré usar un formato diferente en mi próxima entrada. Mira mi respuesta a uno de los comentarios de @ospro. Finalmente aprendí a formatear para que los dos idiomas estén en dos columnas; uno al lado del otro. Confío en que la gente lo señalará cuando mi traducción no tenga sentido. Siempre estoy abierto a comentarios constructivos.
Una vez más les agradezco su apoyo, y el de tantos otros en la comunidad de habla hispana. Fue una experiencia conmovedora!
Traducción realizada con el traductor www.DeepL.com/Translator
Great. I'm glad that misunderstanding is sorted out. Very good translation, by the way.
I'm always more than willing to help with translation whenever English-speaking users want to reach the Hispanic community
I appreciate it, with regards to helping with translation. I tranlate English to Spanish with one translator software, but then I take the Spanish translation and run it through another and find where things are wrong. So I go back and forth until I get it as close as possible. I put quotes around certain words so I can easily find them and write out the English word because the word like downvote does not translate well. It is time consuming but it is very workable. Glad to hear the end result above was good.
Have a great day
wonderful photos
Thank you very much.
Beautiful flowers, Sir. I prefer sunflower.
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Thank you very much.
Lovely rose, it's very beutiful, i like all flower with bright color
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Thank you very much. I appreciate it
La calidad humana se evidencia, y, es lo que atrae de la persona que tiene tal sensibilidad, y, se pone de manifiesto cuando se comparte con el genuino deseo de darle la mano a alguien de manera generosa, y aunque no hay ningún vínculo con el usuario a quien apoyas recomendando que revisemos su blogs y ayudemos de alguna manera, eso tiene un valor que merece resaltar de Ud. corniel. para Ud. mi encomio.
Respecto a las flores, son hermosisimas e inimitables,ya que la creación de Dios frente al lente de tu cámara, hacen un perfecto equipo para que tan bellas imágenes lleguen ante mis ojos a través de este medio.Felicitaciones, bendiciones.
Gracias por sus amables palabras. Me alegro de que haya disfrutado de las fotografías.
i love it pink rose flowers. excellent camera shots and great job.

Thank you very much. I appreciate it!
Water droplets on the rose flower, pretty delightful. Final flower image also very brightness. I really loving to watch your macro photos collection. Namasthe
Thank you very much. I appreciate it! I am glad you enjoy my photograhs.
Wow very very beautiful photography and nice work.its really look flowers.

Have a nice day
Thanks @r2cornell
Thank you very much. I appreciate it!

Thank you
Wow beautiful Flowers 🌼🌿 🌸
Thank you very much.
Have a happy weekend. Nice flowers ya. Hardforks are too much technical things to fully understand for a an average person like me. But what I can experience is that I am being able to use steem easily, so I guess everything was smooth in the hardfork.
Thank you for your comment. Let us hope there are no more downtime like we just experienced.
Lovely color of rose and nice pics of sunflowers .
Good photography. Namaste
Thank you very much. I appreciate it!
OMG! This is really beautiful and perfect shooting, sir. Thank you for sharing the beauty and relaxation of a peaceful soul. Always be healthy, sir. 🙏
Thank you very much. I appreciate it!
Fantastic photography sir
Thank you very much.
Hi @r2cornell, good friend. time without writing to you, I hope your wife and you are doing very well. I send you a big hug from Venezuela, and very grateful for everything you do for Venezuelans.
The red rose is a symbol of love, before I marry my current wife I always gave her the rose plants, we never gave her because they wilt. She loves roses, but she also loves sunflowers.
Those photos of the rose and sunflowers are very beautiful.
Thank you. I am glad you enjoyed the flowers. I have many photos of sunflowers and roses to carry me through the upcoming winter months.
Thank you for your words on what I do for Venezuelans. After dealing with a downvote for using the spanish tag, it was a difficult morning. It is good to hear those words. I have things worked out by speaking with administrator on the spanish-tribe discord channel... What was important besides their assistance was the outreach from the Spanish-Speaking community with offers of assistance in translating more of my posts. Two of them I did not know. Was aware of one person from Neoxian Tribe Discord server, while the other is new to these platforms.
I have always had a warm heart for those of the Spanish Speaking community, and today, other than the downvote (that could have been avoided) I was reminded of how wonderful people from many different Spanish speaking countries are.
Anyway I do appreciate your kind words..
My wife was doing better, but she has come down with a cold. She has a couple of disabilities that are difficult on her auto-immune system. She had been getting stronger so hopefully she will get past this quickly.
Things of nature gives us relaxation. Nice photography. Namaste
Thank you very much.
Saludos Sr. @r2cornell que hermosas fotografias, las margaritas encantadoras, todas son hermosas.
Muchas gracias y gracias por su visita.
I have read from hardfork that it is so that the author and curator earnings are equal, and that is why the author will earn less because before it was 75% the profit.
I love the rose, it is very tender and romantic, it is one of the colors that I like in roses. and the detail of the drops makes it more beautiful 😊
And once again, I am in love with sunflowers, they are wonderful! The last sunflower looks spectacular with the yellow center edge, it looks like fire around it. I like that!!!
Happy weekend...
I was very amazed when I saw the color of that last sunflower. I will be saving seed from my patch so next year their should be more of a mixture of colors.
Me sorprendió mucho cuando vi el color de ese último girasol. Estaré guardando semillas de mi parche para que el próximo año sean más de una mezcla de colores.
Hi sir
Happy weekend to you. I appreciate your efforts to share some glimpse of amazing and beautiful nature with us. All these flowers are so beautiful but credit goes to your amazing photography. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you very much. I appreciate it!
What's name this flowers?

This a sunflower. I have many varieties which give me many colorings.
I love the dear with her kids. Flower are extraordinary, especially the black sunflower.
I have a doubt regarding neoxian payout, i think you know it better, so can u clarify on it: I can see that what ever payout I am getting from neoxian coin is now 50% liquid and 50% staked but earlier it was fully liquid neoxian which i was getting. So my question is there any change to it recently?
Thank you.
The 50% staked and 50% liquid i believe was steem-engine's doing. All the tribes as far as i know are treated the same. I use tags from several and earnings are treated the same. I think it was designed to help stablize token price. Hope that helps
So this journey in steem has gotten ever so hard for me now.Even small dolphins was hit hard by the hardfork @r2cornell so now it is hard to earn especially for me that must have medications to take otherwise i will see myself in a great pain unimaginable plus disfigurement which didn't happened even in my nightmares.
I am upvoting via neoxian.city so it has a little more impact. I still would like to know why when I upvote a comment on steemit, it only shows 50% of what it should. You need more NEOXAG. Sometimes prayers are answered when one least expects it.
What country do you live?
Looks like you have a fair amount of SP, so curating could help (if I understand that part of the HF.
Oh there were two hardforks this time. I was aware of only HF21. Anyway beautiful Colors of flowers.
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Thank you very much
i like too (neoxian.city)
The way you can explain it to everyone benefits a lot.Thanks you.From you I learned to how to work here[neoxian].
However the pictures of deer are very beautiful.The flowers are very beautiful. The beauty of the picture depends on the professional skills.Your photography is a lot of great quality .
Thank you very much. I appreciate it!
What a great pic five star 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟
Thank you very much. I appreciate it
Amazing sunflowers photography, Thanks for share this picture
Thank you very much
Wow. so beautiful flowers photography collection.
You're a professional photographer.
Thank you very much. I appreciate it!
Thank you very much. I appreciate it!
Now you are getting professional each day and that's make me so happy delight to see this post
Thank you very much. I appreciate it!
All flowers are so beautiful and specially the first one is too awesome. Thanks for sharing @r2cornell
Nature is best always
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Thank you very much. I appreciate it
Incredible photography
Thank you very much
Mind blowing blog sir
Thank you very much
The maroon color sunflower is looking like a light. Wow what a beauty of nature!!!
And yes, I am also not that much familiar with this hardfork, if you have any resources where clarity is there then let me know sir. As always, thank you grandpaa.
Thank you very much. I appreciate it!
I am not so sure that there is a clear resource available... That is the problem.
Great photo shoot, I love this deer photo
Thank you very much. I appreciate it!
You have nice dayit's very nice photography @r2cornell
Thank you
What a beautiful flowers.
Thank you very much