in #photography5 years ago


Author: @r2cornell

Which Road Should We Take?

I always enjoy paintings and photographs of roads going somewhere. I always like to let my imagination travel down the road to try and see what is beyond the next turn of the road. Here we have three possibilities where we may travel or wander... It is always best to look forward, because what is behind us does not matter; it is what is in front of us that is important.

Siempre me gustan las pinturas y las fotografías de las carreteras que van a alguna parte. Siempre me gusta dejar que mi imaginación viaje por el camino para tratar de ver qué hay más allá del próximo giro del camino. Aquí tenemos tres posibilidades donde podemos viajar o deambular.... Siempre es mejor mirar hacia adelante, porque lo que está detrás de nosotros no importa; lo que está delante de nosotros es lo que importa.

Changes with the NEOXAG Currency

Mr. Dragon Last Friday at 8:10 AM

“Announcement, we are contemplating cutting the neoxag currency print rate in half, this would affect everyone equally, posters, curators, stakers, miners. The current ratio of inflation would remain the same, the 60/10/30. This move is designed to benefit those holding the currency."

Sr. Dragon El viernes pasado a las 8:10 AM

“Anuncio, estamos contemplando cortar la tasa de impresión de moneda neoxag a la mitad, esto afectaría a todos por igual, carteles, curadores, stakers, mineros. La tasa de inflación actual se mantendría en el mismo nivel, el 60/10/30. Este movimiento está diseñado para beneficiar a los que tienen la moneda.”

This has already taken place according to the next announcement from Mr. Dragon:

"Ok, the deed is done. The print rate of the neoxag is cut in half. I hope this worked correctly. As usual it would help if people could report in, mining and staking income if you feel like it has been halved."

Esto ya ha tenido lugar según el siguiente anuncio del Sr. Dragón:

"Bien, el hecho está hecho. La velocidad de impresión del neoxag se reduce a la mitad. Espero que esto haya funcionado correctamente. Como de costumbre, ayudaría si la gente pudiera reportarse, minando y ganancias ingresos si sientes que han sido reducidos a la mitad".

My take on this change is that for the long run it is excellent for NEOXAG, especially for those that keep "staking" their "earnings". The change impacts everyone equally. Initially it will probably show a decrease in earnings in whatever form they come. But, it is going to slow the growth in the amount of NEOXAG available. This will mean the supply available will grow at a slower pace, which should lead to higher prices. In the least it should stabilize the price so that it does not go lower.

Mi opinión sobre este cambio es que a largo plazo es excelente para NEOXAG, especialmente para aquellos que siguen "stake" por sus "ganancias". El cambio afecta a todos por igual. Inicialmente, es probable que muestre una disminución de las ganancias, independientemente de la forma en que éstas se produzcan. Pero, va a frenar el crecimiento en la cantidad de NEOXAG disponible. Esto significará que la oferta disponible crecerá a un ritmo más lento, lo que debería dar lugar a precios más altos. Como mínimo, debe estabilizar el precio para que no baje.

Initially for some, it will impact what they receive for a sale. As I have stated in previous posts is that we should be staking some of our NEOXAG. It is already set on steem-engine that 50% of what we earn is automatically "staked" (this includes all "tokens" if I am understanding it). If you want to grow your earnings it is in your own best interest to at least leave that 50% auto-staked "tokens" in place. This keeps it off the market, and increases your earnings.

Inicialmente para algunos, tendrá un impacto en lo que reciben por la venta. Como he dicho en artículos anteriores es que deberíamos "stake" por algunos de nuestros NEOXAG. Actualmente el 50% de lo que ganamos es automáticamente "staked" (esto incluye todos los "tokens" si lo estoy entendiendo). Si desea aumentar sus ganancias, lo mejor para usted es dejar por lo menos ese 50% de "tokens" autoestacadas en su lugar. Esto lo mantiene fuera del mercado y aumenta sus ganancias.

Another exciting change I noticed today is that in my wallet I can finally tell where the earnings are coming from. Prior to this I could not tell what was from my posting, "interest" for what I have "staked" or from "curating". Now I can tell where earnings are coming from.

I remain optimistic and I hope everyone else does too.

Otro cambio emocionante que noté hoy es que en mi billetera finalmente puedo saber de dónde vienen las ganancias. Antes de esto, no estaba claro qué se desprendía de mi publicación, "interés" por lo que he "staked" o "comisariado". Ahora puedo saber de dónde vienen las ganancias.

Sigo siendo optimista y espero que todos los demás también lo sean.

end of post graphic.png

I have struggled for two days formatting my post with two columns. I finally gave up on it, and will try a technique that @priyanarc used in our Discord Community Curation Report. I am unclear why the formatting with two columns would only work part of the time.

So, let us move onto photographs...

He luchado durante dos días formateando mi post con dos columnas. Finalmente me di por vencido y probaré una técnica que @priyanarc usó en nuestro Reporte de Curation de la Comunidad de Discord. No tengo claro por qué el formateo con dos columnas sólo funcionaría parte del tiempo.

Así pues, pasemos a las fotografías...

I was looking through photographs I was saving for Winter and came across this beauty:

Estaba mirando las fotografías que estaba guardando para el invierno y me encontré con esta belleza:


This next one is a bloom on one of our houseplants. We do not know the name. It has clusters of these and has a droplet of liquid at the end of each flower.

La próxima es una flor en una de nuestras plantas de interior. No sabemos el nombre. Tiene racimos de estos y tiene una gota de líquido al final de cada flor.


The next photograph is some foliage I found last Summer. I love the cream color with green.

La siguiente fotografía es un follaje que encontré el verano pasado. Me encanta el color crema con el verde.


Yes, I still have sunflower photographs. Since we have had several freezes the plants are finished for the season. I saved many flower heads for next year's seed. Hope you enjoy this cluster:

Sí, todavía tengo fotos de girasoles. Como hemos tenido varias heladas, las plantas están terminadas para la temporada. Guardé muchas cabezas de flores para la semilla del próximo año. Espero que disfruten de este grupo:


This next photograph was taken this past Summer when my daughter and I went to Manito Park. I am not sure of its name.

Esta siguiente fotografía fue tomada el verano pasado cuando mi hija y yo fuimos a Manito Park. No estoy seguro de su nombre.


As with many of my posts I will end with a wildlife photograph. This male deer photo was taken with my "trail camera", and because it was a night it is not as clear as some. This is one of the larger deer in the area.

Como con muchos de mis artículos, terminaré con una fotografía de vida silvestre. Esta foto de ciervo macho fue tomada con mi "cámara de seguimiento", y como era una noche no es tan clara como otras. Este es uno de los ciervos más grandes de la zona.


end of post graphic.png


I am happy to say that I am feeling much better this weekend, compared to last weekend. I still have the last remnants of the cold, but my energy has returned. I am gradually catching up with a lot of my work.

As always, I trust that there is at least one thing in my post that each of you enjoys.

I have been working on the Curation Report for our Discord Community. There has been more activity on the server, as well as an increase in links to posts. We try to stay caught up on curating, but if one is missed it is just an oversight. I may try and combine the Spanish and English report into one like I do with my regular posts.

Have a great weekend and up coming week.

Me alegra decir que me siento mucho mejor este fin de semana, en comparación con el fin de semana pasado. Todavía tengo los últimos restos del frío, pero mi energía ha regresado. Poco a poco me estoy poniendo al día con mucho de mi trabajo.

Como siempre, confío en que hay al menos una cosa en mi post que cada uno de ustedes disfruta.

He estado trabajando en el Informe de Curation para nuestra comunidad de la Discordia. Ha habido más actividad en el servidor, así como un aumento en los enlaces a los posts. Tratamos de mantenernos al día en la curaduría, pero si se echa de menos una, es sólo un descuido. Puedo tratar de combinar el informe en español e inglés en uno como lo hago con mis publicaciones regulares.

Que tengas un buen fin de semana y hasta la próxima semana.




I'm happy with you @r2cornell, combination color cream mix green is very interesting, it's really charm, thanks for your sharing,

Thank you very much. I appreciate it.

Now I came to hospital for donating blood, and seeing your blog ☺ Nice I enjoyed it.

Thank you very much. I am glad you enjoyed it

Sir nice photo collection . it is Amazing flower . so nature .

Thank you very much.

2.08164600 TRDO1.38776400 TRDO curation in 3 Days from Post Created Date!Congratulations @goldcoin, you are successfuly trended the post that shared by @r2cornell! @r2cornell will receive & @goldcoin will get

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Wonderful flowers

Thank you very much. I appreciate it.

You post has been manually curated by BDvoter Team! To know more about us please visit our website or join our Discord.

BDvoter Team

Thank you very much. I appreciate it.

Foliage Reminds me kind of Chinese dragon look.. Maybe I am sick thats why I am seeing this... The first picture which two ways kind of fascinating, we often become confused which way we have to go and it's important to choose the correct path...

Wonderful post...

Thank you very much @priyanarc.

Great to know that you are feeling well wishing for great health of yours always keep spreading the joy :)

Thank you very much. I appreciate it.


This post has been manually curated, resteemed
and gifted with some virtually delicious cake
from the @helpiecake curation team!

Keep up the great work!Much love to you from all of us at @helpie!


I never saw the yellowish white flower. Your flower photography is always fascinating.
Manually curated by @rem-steem.

Community Witness.
@helpie is a

Thank you very much.

We’re happy with you...your photography much better.

Thank you very much. I appreciate it.

Thanks for the explanation and advice, and of course, a special thank you for the gorgeous flowers.

Your welcome. I am happy you liked.


PhotoEditor_20191010_204451330.jpgCongratulations! You just got an upvote from @neobooster and @ospro Join our discord server and share your quality content in the Neoxian Post Promotion channel||| click here OUR CURATOR @neobooster AND @ospro

Thank you very much.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us!

Inner BlocksYou have been curated by @hafizullah on behalf of : a community encouraging first hand content, with each individual living their best life, and being responsible for their own well being. #innerblocks Check it out at @innerblocks for the latest information and community updates, or to show your support via delegation.

Thank you very much@hafizullah .

Very welcome to thetalentboulevard tribe!

Have a nice day, @r2cornell.

Your post was selected to win some extra TLNT tokens, powered by The Talent Club.

That means you got talent!

Enjoy it!

Thank you

Fantastic sunflowers picture

Thank you very much. I appreciate it.

My favorite color in flowers is orange, and that orange rose is a total beauty.Sir @r2cornell

Nice to see your beautiful post adorning the talentclub tribe. Also I like Neoxian tribe and my rewards go to stake.

As for the value of the token, in this short term I have observed that there is greater interest in those tribes that have broad rewards for both investors and content creators. This also makes the token easily marketed in engine, there is interest in buying and selling, as in sportstalk, however the medium and long term behavior is very uncertain in all these tribes. It affects the ability of each tribe to maintain the interest of its current users in holding the stake and in attracting new token holders. I think that to use these tokens in the real economy, being able to exchange these tokens for products and services is definitely what will give them an intrinsic and sustainable value.

I wish you a happy weekend, take care of your health.

Thank you very much. Glad you liked the rose.

I just started with talent club. Thought i would give it a try along with dblog.

We all all need to remember that the Tribes are new, and a lot can happen as they evolve.

Hello sir, hope you will be fine and healthy your photography combination for this week is incredible have a good day to you stay blessed

Thank you very much. I appreciate it.

Que bonita son las rosas. Esa me recuerda a mi mamá porque es del color que a ella le gusta más, y la siguiente flor se me parece un ajolote mexicano. Es bonita.
El venado me gusta más cuando es la foto de día, porque de noche se le ve el ojo extraño.

Gracias. Sí, los videos nocturnos hacen que los ojos se vean raros porque se toman en infrarrojo.

A nice your photography

Thank you

You wellcome

Woww beautifull flowers... amazing capture 😊
I share your post on my blog :)

Thank you very much. I appreciate it.

Fantastic flowers collection sir

Thank you very much.

Amazing. The flowers are beautiful.

Thank you very much. I appreciate it.

Gorgeous color

Thank you very much.

Hello sir, I really like the sunflowers you are displaying. it looks very bright and very beautiful. and I agree with the change in the neoxag currency. I also feel that such a change will make the price of Neoxag even better.

Thank you very much.

It will take some time for NEOXAG to show what it is going to do. For now it seems to have stablized

Its beautiful painting, Sir.

Thank you

Its beautiful drawing. I think we have to choice right road.

Thank you

All photography is really awesome

Thank you very much.

Love this rose picture

Thank you very much.

All the flower looks so beautiful and such a beautiful photography post it is !

Thank you very much.

Rose Flower My many favorite. Rose color of your photo is very beautiful.

Thank you very much.

Great shoot, Thanks for sharing sir

Thank you very much.

I love this shoot

Thank you

Que bueno, me alegra que te sientas mucho mejor. Las fotos son muy bonitas, me gusto mucho la primera, la de la flor. También me encanta, al igual que a ti, las fotos de caminos, me parece que narran una historia, o que nos hace pensar que tenemos un camino por donde andar.
Gracias por mantenernos informados acerca de Neoxian, yo sé poco acerca de las tribus.
Que sigas estando bien.
Un gran abrazo.

Muchísimas gracias. Me alegro de que lo hayas disfrutado.

Amazing photography

Thank you very much.

Rose is awesome. I love this flowers.

Thank you very much.

very nice photography my dear friend @r2cornell

Thank you very much.

I'm in love with the rose and sunflowers, I love them. They are very very very beautiful. The rose has so many petals and that color that I like so much. and I love sunflowers completely.

Thank you very much. I am happy you enjoyed.

Greetings sir @r2cornell. Really mind blowing flowers photography especially the beautiful rose and sunflower. Have a nice weekend, God bless you.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you very much. I am happy you enjoyed.

Those flowers is beautiful.

Thank you!

Gracias por la información,vale la pena tenerla en cuenta para proceder según
corresponda.En cuanto a las fotos me cautivaron todas, son muy lindas.me
llamó mucho la atención la flor que tiene forma de ave -la que tiene la gota
de agua- es bastante originales.Gracias corniel.

Muchísimas gracias. Me alegro de que lo hayas disfrutado. Todavía no hemos averiguado cuál es el nombre de la flor que mencionas.

Whatever policy change is being done for NEOXAG will ultimately help the price of NEOXAG in the long run and at some point in time, it will moon.

Regarding the flowers, I must say that the sunflower shot is the real winner all the time and that is really classic and very appealing as compared to others. Other are also good but the best one is sunflower.

Thank you grandpaa. Namaste.

Thank you very much. I appreciate it.


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The beauty of the flowers and the smell of the flowers make everyone feel good.!!

Posted using Partiko Android

Beautiful natural scenery. I love your photography.

Posted using Partiko Android

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2.311524 TRDO from below listed TRENDO callers:
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