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RE: Friday 13 April My Name Day Story Lore and Gardening

in #photography7 years ago

oh no,,,great photos

by your post
my personal opinion

Superstition has it that to bring May blossom into the house invites illness and death into the house too. So maybe a Friday 13 in May is seriously bad fortune? Hawthorn has so much folklore surrounding it that I could fill a book. The flowers are said to smell sweetly – or of death and decay.

Hawthorn is also a medicinal plant, good for improving heart conditions and reducing depression. It has sharp thorns and edible berries and has been a favourite hedging plant in Britain for hundreds of years because of it great usefulness at all times of the year, so it does seem strange that it’s also classed as ‘unlucky’.

Perhaps that stems from someone years ago taking a spray of May blossom into the house on Friday 13th and then a family member took ill and died.


I did not know about this plant but I do know about many other plants that have a negative effect if you put them in the house more specific in the bedroom.
Thank you for this information I will certainly read more about it.