Mustache cat (Orthosiphon aristatus) is a plant belonging to the lamicaeae / labiatae family group that is commonly found in Indonesia. This plant is believed to provide many benefits for our health.
This plant is actually originated from Africa which then spread to Asia and Australia.
Characteristic Characteristics of cat:
Trunked wet and erect
The bottom is rooted
Leaves round / oval, length about 1 s / d 10 cm.
Green round purple stalk
Leaf position on alternate bar
Leaf bone branches
Crown flowers are white or purplish white
Stamen sticking out similar to a cat's whiskers
Stalk length 7 to 29 cm
The crown of a bunch with a length of 7 to 29 cm
Young seeds are blackish white, while the old is brownish black.
This plant is usually grown in a fertile, friable, berumus and have a good water and air. The content of chemicals such as oil atsisi, saponin, sapofonin, sinensetin, mioinositol, tannin and potassium is believed to cure various types of diseases.
Here are 15 benefits of a cat's whiskers plant:
- Streamlining urinary expenditure
- Treating rheumatism
- Treating Cough
- Overcoming Wind Entrance
- Treat Uric Acid
- Treating Stone Urine
- Treating Whitish
- Treating Constipation
- Powerful Diabetes Cure
- Treating back pain
- Treating hypertension
- Treating Syphilis
- Treating albuminuria
- Treating Kidney inflammation
- Relieve the itching caused by allergies
A few explanations from me about the cat whiskers plant and its 15 benefits
mustache cat