Credits: Photography Dragons Lair, NC, Bodyart: @rampant
Model: Sloan Alexander
This is part of a series I did using different types of tape to make unique clothing. Later I would re-use what I learned to do clothing for clubs for things like fetish night.
We had a really short period of time for this shoot, I think 4 hours total - including prep, makeup/costume/and shooting.
There were two girls, and we wanted to do two different looks
Tips on doing this type of work
- Get special scissors. There are scissors made for tape cutting that don't get gummed up. This will save you a ton of effort.
- Different brands have different widths and you can order from amazon. You want to pick a width that fits your project instead of using multiple strips - it looks MUCH cleaner
- There is a technique to getting nice clean lines and not having the tape "pinch". If you do work like this and it doesn't go great the first time, keep practicing. It does take some practice.
Prior Images in this set:
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Questions, comments, etc, highly encouraged
cool image!
I love this! Beautifully done, such an interesting composition, it really inspires me. Im feeling the mood to paint
Well done
Thank you. If you would like help let me know
Followed i think you have a great eye for merging beautiful and edgy, i hope you check out my artwork i always appreciate feedback 😊
Thank you!
Cool :))
Very nice work and the model has a great posture!
Cool concept
I really dig this theme. Hoping to shoot this type of portraits in the future. Nice work.