Black Tape Project Tribal Body Art

in #photography9 years ago

Credit: DragonsLair Photography, Bodyart: @rampant

This is part of a series where I've experimented using different types of tape and material to build clothes for our photo shoots.

I was nervous going into this because it was one of my very first attempts with these materials and had a short (1hr) amount of time to work. The time is actually plenty if you have practice.

Tips on doing this type of work

  1. Get special scissors. There are scissors made for tape cutting that don't get gummed up. This will save you a ton of effort.
  2. Different brands have different widths and you can order from amazon. You want to pick a width that fits your project instead of using multiple strips - it looks MUCH cleaner
  3. There is a technique to getting nice clean lines and not having the tape "pinch". If you do work like this and it doesn't go great the first time, keep practicing. It does take some practice.

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CATCH MY SERIES: How to make a living as an artist from someone who's done it

Questions, comments, etc, highly encouraged


Cool work! Are we connected on Facebook already? This concept and the name "DragonsLair Photography" sound familiar to me. I'm Chris Davis, a photographer in Pennsylvania.

I used to live in Philly and did some bodypaint for some clubs. DragonsLair is in NC though.
I don't think we are connected on FB

wow great work!

Thank you! If you have any questions let me know!

Cool...I like B&W

simply stunning
I find that I look forward to your posts every day. So far I've seen a bunch of lovely ladies. how about some art with men as the canvas? I wouldn't mind a little eye candy. ;)Stunning @rampart -

Id love to but guys seem to be less camera friendly than the ladies. I wanted to do this suit of armor on one muscular guy but he never went through with it.

My female friends have all been happy to get painted, guy friends not so much. Which sucks cause i could use the practice.

Great work! How long does it take to put together a piece like that?

And how does the model get compensated for this type of work vs nude art?

I don't think I've seen this specific style before. I wonder if you could do anything with metallic tape or a foil effect like the blue seen in this shirt.


I could! A lot of it is a choice between paint and tape types. You have to buy special types of tape and sourcing it can be a pain.

Compensation really depends. Most of these are a TFP between the model, myself, and the photographer where we can use these in our portfolios and for our own display as pieces but not sell to commercial products like magazines.

I created a art community in NC where I lived and helped a lot of the burlesque dancers and models book jobs so when I wanted to do a shoot, most helped for free because they got paid other ways through me. Making friends really helps!

Smart marketing! How does burlesque differ from exotic dancing/stripping?

Also would be cool to see you cover in tape then paint around it and pull the tape away to have a negative space that would be skin color if that makes sense.

Similar to that in my tattoo (around the angel's hand)


Burlesque doesn't involve tipping and private dances? They usually DO strip, but not all the way, and it's more performance oriented than being-nude oriented. It's kinda right between say stage dancing and stripping.

That's what I thought. More a performance that's sensual vs. outright sexual

Cooool! Can I use it as a wallpaper?

I don't think the resolution is that high but that's ok. As long as it's your PERSONAL wallpaper, do not submit to wallpaper sites.

Great work rampant, i love that you haven't overly photoshopped this to.

Thank you! I try to keep the "shopping" to a minimum. I went to film school and I'm a big believer for doing things "in camera". Truth is it saves you a lot of time and forces you to actually work on your craft. So many photographers just spray and pray and it's sad because it never forces them to learn and achieve their potential.

I barely touch photoshop (i'm not a professional by a long shot I just love capturing things as I see them). I find so many of the finer more interesting details get lost, i know so many photographers who would have erased the natural creases by her ankle which just makes your work all the more refreshing.

Yeah i hate that. I tend to mostly play woth contrast and colors, but not details.