
It really getting green now!

Yes, it's growing like crazy​!

It looks like a really awesome day!

Yeah, it really is an awesome day.

Thoes ducks are everywere!

Well, everywhere there's​​ water.

water looks pretty good and duck looks happy.

Yes, there are​ so many people feeding them.

Outstanding post and amazing photos. Thank you for sharing

This place is really nice. This pic say something. Nice duck. And captured. Tnx for share

very beautiful scenery, I really like photos like this

I'm​ quite happy with it myself.

its really so mind-blowing atmosphere....and you took the best photo of this pond..

Thanks, it is really nice by the pond.

Nice place... Thank you for sharing

really nice to know about it.............///////

Great show, I like it!
I really like this post

wow.....excellent photography. looks very beautiful.