
thank you @reybilson


thanks to @raybilson for sharing post


I am very happy can to meet you

And we do not know what's going to happen. Therefore, when we do something. Do not halfway. Do it with confidence and patience, because maybe it can change our future.Many people underestimate an opportunity because it is considered unprofitable. They not only underestimated, but also left it to seek a more profitable @raybilson


There are people who do not love life. Or at least not grateful. Especially when in life, they overwritten many problems that come insistently. However, that does not mean not so people who are hostile to life.

@raybilson , We should instead love life with gratitude. Because it could be worse than what we are. And with gratitude, at least living conditions so no weight.


what is the purpose of walking around while inhaling water as air?
I do not understand what it means at all


I understand what @raybilson means

The point of your word is to walk in the middle of the night with a breath of cool air. There is no comparison with the night before.

it seems like the words are full of puzzles?
thanks for his post @raybilson


A concise, meaningful story. I think your point here is to walk in the middle of the night while enjoying the fresh night air. I live in Indonesia. and for what you tell us, we call it (jjm). there is one uniqueness in Indonesia, everyone who walks in the middle of the night will be cautious as a criminal. please understand because in my country there are many robbery at night. perhaps this is due to the lack of firm law enforcement.

I know your country is a country with good law. where criminality is rare.

I also often do as you do, the midnight air is very cool. even it will feel cold inside the chest.

thanks to @raybilson. my greetings to you.

Cool thanx!

I understand what you mean @RayBilson I also feel the feel of what you feel today


it seems the word is full of secrets?
I think with that word, but I do not find what you mean.

New Day!

we must be happy with ourselves. Because then, we will survive in any situation whether it be accompanied by a loved one or alone.@raybilson , "Wherever you go, no matter in any weather, always bring your own sunshine"

The sun will come out!!! Tomorow!