Greetings steemian friend, I am @raynazuhra A street photographer from Aceh (Indonesia) In the next photography phase, I will share some photography of ornamental flowers
Well, here's some photography I have, I'm using xiaomi note 4x smartphone in taking this photography, hope you like it
Photography flowers
As you already know, this flower lives around the house's roots, this flower looks very fresh as I take in the morning, This flower will look very beautiful in the morning, coupled with glowing sunlight
If you are an enthusiast of ornamental plants, you must know what to do to your favorite flowers, certainly in need of care for the flowers do not wilt and always fresh all day
Rose photography
Some photography that I have published, hopefully useful, hopefully in the future I can give the best, warm regards from me @raynazuhra
Photography : @raynazuhra
Author : @raynazuhra
Location : Aceh,Indonesia
Photography taken by @raynazuhra using xiaomi note 4x smartphone Smartphonephotography
Warm greetings from me @raynazuhra
Bunga yang cantik. Sukses selalu ya
Makasih bang, amin , semoga @steemitpanton juga sukses!!
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