Look close and you will see the pistil of the flower in the middle of the petals.
Canon EOS Rebel DSLR - experimenting with a macro shot using an extension tube today.
Lao Tzu quote:
To the mind that is still, the whole Universe surrenders.
Enjoy your day and thank you for looking at my post.
Brilliant shot and perfect photography @rebeccabe with great shot. Too good!!
Keep it up.
Thanks for sharing.
Upvoted & resteemed your post.
Love the quote!
Though the middle is a bit blur, is it meant it that way?
that is why I wrotehaha! Now @roselifecoach .. I thought it looked good monochrome ...it is blurred
I will post a better flower shot tomorrow for my photo for the day
Hahaha... my bad...
Ok, because I tried to look close to see the pistil of the flower but my eyes cannot focus!! Hahahaha
You took a picture with the flower petals dslr, which caused them to grumpy @rebeccabe
i believe mind is more than 3 dimensional thing .... thatz why some parts of it are always inactive ....... Mind power is an ultimate weapon though people percieve it not
yes ... you are right and I believe it is not inactive only you are unaware of the activity.
and the mind can torture you if untrained
Yes Yes , u stole my words ....
but the world is full of sheep .
they would go through the gate even if there are no walls
I think i do not have words to explain this quote because the theme of this quote so deep that my mind just stops to think and try to ask me not try to explain it ...
Its theme delivers both inspiraion and motivation..
Also as always your photography is priceless and incredable in every aspect of photography..
Thanks for posting such a wonder post and picture..
thank you
You are welcome , it is my pleasure to serve your post..
Beautiful Words about Beautiful Flowers. How beautifully have you explained 'em. You're awesome 💐
Great thought !!!!
I have been meditating more. Clearing my mind is the hardest part. This encourages me. Thank you. Love the black and white image. Adds to the quote's meaning.