I stood as close to the free edge of the ice (of the section of the Trent-Severn Waterway) that I felt that I could. That is, safely without breaking through the ice, in order to capture this photo.
(No worries. If I had gone through the ice, the water and mud below it, is only about 3 feet deep. However, what you are not really able to see is how fast the current is actually running under the ice. The speed of the water flow along with the frigid temperature is what can make this a dangerous activity if you aren't being mindful.)
In the photo (above), you can see how clear and clean the fresh water of this river system is.
The reflection of the sun and a tree is visible in the water.
In this photo (above) you can see that a natural channel has occurred. I think this is due to the course of a natural spring which feeds into the river just beyond its natural shoreline. The spring keeps the water moving and from stagnating.
A pair of Mute Swans (who I have named Fred and William) have made good use of this channel. It's been tough for them to find open water sources because we had ice on the river fairly early on, in this winter's season. @knarly327 and I broke a hole for them in the ice the other day. This, at least let them take a drink.
Since then, we've had some warmer temperatures and the whole channel opened up for them. Now, they can swim and forage whenever they want.
I took all these photos with an Apple 8+ cell phone.
I welcome your comments and I invite you to follow me on my journey...I will do my best to show you what is worth observing in our small corner of our little blue planet. ;)
~ Rebecca Ryan
Sweet photos! Glad to see you are still active and popular on here. :) I hope all is well.
I'm so glad to hear from you!!! I've thought of you and your family often...wondered how your September nuptials went and generally what you've been up to. Not the same without seeing your name show-up in my feed Jay...my Steemit life became a little duller. Interesting enough, I've been stuck in the same rep for a year...should be flipping over finally today, if I've played my cards right. ;)OMG! @jpiper!!!
Congrats on that 68, you earned it!
I couldn't have better friends. Thanks for that. ;)Thank you very much @bluelightbandit! There were times I almost quit out of sheer frustration...but thanks to yourself and @francisk, I persevered.
I feel the same way about you and I'm pretty confident that I would have already thrown in the towel.
Wow Rebecca
The magic number of 68. No, not your age. Ha ha
Your reputation. You have certainly earned it.
Now to the ice and water. I worry about you in all the danger of it.
Sometimes people can be sweep under the ice. Not good.
I know. You are very cautious. Do be careful for all of us.
I love your photos. It is so different from what I see here.
Thanks Francis!
(Finally getting to this today. Yikes! I apologize for my tardiness.)
No worries Francis, I will be careful. Yes, I have exactly the opposite climate to what you have. I'll tell you, it's been a long haul this year. Hard to keep your chin up with so much cold and no sun. That's one of the reasons that I really enjoy what you post, because it lets me see the sun and flowers through your eyes. ;) Thanks to you and @bluelightbandit I have finally achieved this. I could not have done it with out your encouragement. I almost threw in the towel, several times over the last year.
its nature beauty @rebeccaryan. excellent photography.
Thanks for adding this slide show of photos @suchi! It's a fast re-cap. ;)
Swans are so beautiful and you can see them in so many different countries.
Lovely photos.
These nice shots my dear! I like the swans! They looks do beautiful in the sea, when i see the photos I feel cold, frozen water make me tremble.
As it should! It is very cold! I do not know how these birds actually survive the climate and the weather conditions that we have for 5 months. Absolutely astounding when you think about it.
The channel is so clear and reflective, fooling all who approach to the hidden dangers of the current. I love seeing Fred and William. Have the nested in a safe place this year? 🐓🐓
They will start the nesting process at the end of April, beginning of May. Last year was really fluky the way the ice came off the river coupled with 3 straight days of heavy rain. Hopefully, this year will be different. I loved to see them with a couple of little Pebbles and/or Bambams in tow. ;)Hi @mother2chicks,
Great shot..Awesome swan.Thnaks for the share.
Fantastic images of ice began in Dupan with the appearance of a bright spring sun, making the river return to the flow after freezing.
Thank you and have a nice day
Thank you @klasanaj! I like your interpretation. This is the best type of irony when you see the sun brightly shinning on the ice. ;)
is completely well
nice to share...
We have so much beauty around us, if we will only look. ;)Thank you @shagorskikder!
Wonderful photography of the nature
Well frame of the nature
The beauty of the nature
and the wildlife
Wow! Great and amazing photography .
nice photography
Wow amazing photography.
For your post propagation.
Good; now Fred and Ethel (William) can fish for themselves (Or is that duck?). They were getting kinda corny anyway.
Haha! Yes it's corny. LOL!
I love seeing photos of Fred and William! Be careful out there. We wouldn't want to lose you!
Will do @cecicastor! Hey, did you win the camera? I have lost track...
No, I didn't win the camera, but I know I have a lot of friends! And that's even better!
you have captured beautiful photo with nature and show some brave and dare with wild photography. ice and water temperatue is near about fridge thats the point.
Yes it is extremely cold @sheikh27! Thank you for taking a look and commenting. ;)
wow..amazing..i cant believe that you took that much of a risk to take this..thank god you are safe..anyway those captures are amazing :)
Amazing, at first glance I think this is taken on the plane, it turns out after being seen well it is a beach with water lips very clear. I was fascinated by its beauty.
I hope that Yoon has a good camera and time to get to such places so I can take great pictures like this
Greetings to you my dear friend @rebeccaryan
Wow! When it comes to photography, ur hands are the best! Best capture!
Nice Shots!! and place too!!
nice photo buddy, very perfect
More Winter to come. Keep the big hammer handy to break the ice.
Amazing photos. I love the ones with the swan.
The nature is so beautiful, even in the winter season, it is so interesting and beautiful.
I'd be pretty scared to get much closer than that too! Glad you were safe in getting these awesome shots :).
wow beautiful ice photography