Unknown Spain series.

This is my first photo sharing blog. I'm an amateur and I just use my phone or my small digital camera. I love taking photos of different places, particularly small villages, although in this first photo post I've included the three main cities, Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia.

I left Texas when I was 23 and went to Spain with nothing but a backpack and about $500. I ended up staying for 18 years. Needless to say, I have quite a few photos that others may find interesting. I call this series Unknown Spain as I like to share mostly pictures off the beaten path that many visitors would miss. (mostly). I hope you like them! I'll be adding more along the way. IMG_20151025_163832.jpg
La Petxina, ValenciaIMG_20150921_182729295_HDR.jpg
Salto de Aldeadavila, Castilla Y LeonIMG_20150919_232715666_HDR.jpg
Las Cuevas, MadridIMG_20151028_195728.jpg
La Tasca del Coral, Barcelona

I'd appreciate feedback and of course any upvotes if they stir any emotions deep within! Thanks.