Bunga soka atau disebut flame of the wood sering dijumpai di asia khususnya di Indonesia. Bunga berupa bunga majemuk tumbuh diujung tangkai, berbentuk malai rata berwarna merah, oranye, kuning, atau putih. Disebut sebagai flame of the wood karena tampilan bunganya yang memancar, seperti kembang api dan hidup di hutan. Tanaman ini dapat diperbanyak dengan cara setek batang dan cangkok.
Pemanfaatan tanaman hias ini bermacam-macam, sebagai tanaman pembatas (border), tanaman tabir (screen), tanaman display, dan pencipta suasana pada taman formal dan geometris. Bunga ini membutuhkan paparan sinar matahari penuh, dengan kebutuhan air jumlah sedang. Dapat tumbuh di dataran rendah, sedang, maupun tinggi.
Foto ini diambil dwngan kamera oppo A37
Flower of the wood is often found in Asia especially in Indonesia. Flowers in the form of compound flowers grow at the end of the stalk, shaped flat panicles are red, orange, yellow, or white. It's called the flame of the wood because of its radiant flower display, like fireworks and live in the woods. This plant can be propagated by stem cuttings and grafts.
The use of these ornamental plants vary, as border plants, screen crops, display plants, and atmosphere creators in formal and geometric gardens. This flower requires full sun exposure, with a moderate amount of water requirement. Can grow in the lowlands, medium, and high.
This photo was taken with oppo camera A37.
bunga yang indah