I took these photos with a Sony a6000, some using a 30mm lens I borrowed from a coworker.
This is Normal. I adopted her from the SPCA four and a half years ago. She was five years old when I adopted her. I initially was going to get a kitten, but there were so many adults more in need of a home. I noticed her in the play room because she looked almost exactly like the cat I had as a teenager. She took to me immediately. She loves to be held, maybe sometimes too much. The SPCA had named her Norma. I thought it would be funny to just add an "L." I gave her the full name of Norma Louise Bates, AKA Norma L, or Normal.
People who are allergic to cats are actually allergic to cat saliva or to cat dander. If the resident cat is bathed regularly the allergic people tolerate it better.
Lovely picture..miss NORMAL...lol
cool !!!
I got my favorite cat Pearl from a shelter when she was 4 years old. It was buy a kitten, get an adult cat for free. My daughter got the kitten and I got Pearl. I LOVE her so much.
Beatiful cat. I love it!!!!