
@rocks it shows sadness am i right? lonely

Beautiful photography :)

me too like you


Its look like awesome place to hangout

One tree hill

Thanks for sharing this beautiful photo
A single tree is missing its leaves and flowers in the winter.
I wish you a nice Sunday

yeah @klasanaj @rockz always share his favorite shots . . . and this shot is an adorable

Where is this awesome place??

oh very nice picture bro

Is this B&W photo? or it is real?

Awesome photo dear i like it And wish you all the best

well@rockz u rocked with this shot u taken it in such a great way it looks really amazing lovely!

stopover in my post.the post is amazing @rockz.


very good @rockz

Wow, so lovely! I love the lonely tree shots! So magnificent! I'm also doing a series on trees , but from Central Park!


nice one friend

15 25446374_10213687066705237_8702794483905354214_n (2).jpg

i have no word too explain you quality of photography ... Awesome


wooo faboulous capture ! the tree give us lesson ! it alone but stell but never regret!

Hi rockz.. This is awsome.. It ll create stunning look in a portrait hanging on the wall of bedroom.. You should frame it..

Your photography always wonderful @rockz

really amazing ...lonely tree

That's stunning look of lonely tree. Look like a leaf shape. Isn't it? :P


Add some more variety using PS, make it colorful, add some colored leaves and change the whole look. I know its time taking :D Don't do I'm in hell joking mood right now. :P

I'm sorry for this tree and happy for you! Amazing shot, it deserves to be favorite shot :)

wow!! lOoking wOnderfull lOng Tree!! buT why is it lOney :(

Fantastic shot dude!! Lonely lonely but superbly 😊

lonely flower :)

Schwarz/Weiße Bäume haben etwas sehr grundlegend schönes finde ich. Sehr organisch.

this is a beautiful photo Especially you are photographed in the dark
Thanks for sharing it with us

And that's why i follow u.

the great shot... you always click very nice shots.. <3 yh really you fab <3

A lone tree with so much love on it, A great view mate @rockz :)

such a nice image the brightness increase if we look lower to word sky look very awsome

nice mood of this photo, little sadness comes up, but i like it ;)

fabiliously done great photography !