
very good photo! What did you use? I think it is not smartphone, it should be professional camera :)

Ahmmm! It looks cool. BTW, where the necklace is placed ?


Ohh, its headphone :O and Yeah it matches :P

well this is so good

Not wal :p True spelling is ( well ) okay!

not my mistake ... my PC mistake .. still thanks

very beautifull Necklace :)

wow looks so beautiful.thank you for the photo @rockz

What a amazing shot! Congrats, thanks for the photo.


Great photography... It's look really professional photography...
Which camera u are using for photography @rockz


ok thank u.. I don't have any camera for photography.
When i got some sbd from steemit. i have planed for buying camera.. @rockz

Once i heard that an artist can see beauty in an ordinary thing.. You are the real example.. Artistic mind artistic heart with skilled hands.. God bless you


Nice, I think you should share more photo with us, they are so fascinating :) I don't have detailed information about cameras but it should be good one :) I have just looked it, yes it is very good camera and you are doing well!

Thanks for you'r feedback. I guess I will post more if people like it =)

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what is the price of it , want to take it :)

its a necklace?wawoow thats look more than hat beautiful!

wow, kool @rockz ... will you tell me the name of this camera which you used to capture the image? its pixels are amazing.