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RE: Would You Mind Answering a Couple of Questions?

in #photography7 years ago

I'm late, after taking some time away, but I will give it a go.

  1. Wow, it's been a while. No, that's not the name of the book. Go Set a Watchman by Harper Lee.
  2. Julia Roberts. Ever since Pretty Woman, I haven't been able to move on past some of her outfits in the movie.
  3. At 10 p.m. I was dead asleep, as i am a morning person and needed my rest.
  4. My last hug was yesterday and it was my niece as I had visited family for my Grandpa's 99th birthday.
  5. People driving under the speed limit in the fast lane.
  6. At a hot wing eating contest recently, could not down the 25 wings placed in front of me.
  7. Absolutely, YES.
  8. It's my birthday
  9. Nudity, tassles on nipples and edible underwear. Wait, there wasn't a #9, was there?

Happy birthday! :)

Hmm, I wonder what the question was.. Turn offs perhaps?

Close. It was actually "Name 3 things that can get sticky", but at least your mind is in the right place :)