It's been a while since I posted something about photography. In my previous post about the 2018 Winter Olympic which was held in Pyeongchang, South Korea, I mentioned that I will make a post about the photos that I took while I was there. I took a lot of photos so I think it's appropriate to make one whole post about it but I figured that it might not be a good thing to flood one long post with too much photos, so, I have to break it into three parts. This will be the part 1 and even so, I still won't be able to showcase all of them but I've selected some that I think deserved some highlights and upvotes, that, if you guys like it, of course :)
Anyway, that was my first time taking photos during winter and it was so interesting! Part of it was because I've never done it before and another part was because it was Winter Olympic! I got the chance to watch the Snowboarding event and I was so excited of the unique photography opportunity I had while I was there. So here are some of the photos that I took. I will also try to give a little bit of tips on a few things in the caption of some of the photos.
This part 1 will be all about Snowboarding because it was my favorite event. I took a lot of photos but here are some of them. Taking all these photos was so challenging and not easy. It was so cold, the temperature was around -5 to -10 degree Celsius and I was struggling to keep my hands steady. Even if you're not there, you know that's the hardest part of photography. Using long telephoto lens and ski glove made things worse for me but lucky for me, the lens worked so well in that cold temperature.
Note: all of the photos has been compressed a lot and reduced in size to make the file size smaller so, the quality of the image might be degraded a bit.
I. The snow painter.
Nikon D7100, f/13, 1/200 sec, ISO-100, 300mm
Lets start with this photo. I took this before the event started. That was the staff from the organizer painting the slop. I'm not sure what he was using but it was interesting that his outfits make him in contrast with the white snow. It might not telling much of a story but there were probably not much people want to photograph this kind of shot, I know I do. This was an easy shot because the person doesn't move much. The only difficult part was to make the white background doesn't "destroy" the subject because it was to plain. So the blue lines helps a lot in that sense.
II. Casual skiing down the slope.
Nikon D7100, f/9, 1/500 sec, ISO-100, 185mm
I took this photo unintentionally, I was testing/warming up my camera before the event start and saw her skiing down the slope. Looks fun, I wish I can do that too. Maybe one day.
III. The scoreboard
Nikon D7100, f/6.3, 1/500 sec, ISO-100, 92mm
If you ever tried to take a photo of any screen, you'll probably know it will have that weird lines on the photo. So reduce your exposure or increase your aperture until you didn't see that lines anymore. This photo could've been very boring and plain because who wants to see a scoreboard, right? So what I did was I include those heads of other spectators to add other elements but I made it out of focus so your eyes will not distracted by it. Actually to be honest my intention of taking that photo is not because of the scoreboard but I was hoping that the camera focus at me so that I can take my own photo on that screen. I was somewhere there but you can't see me clearly from that screen... LOL...
IV. The flying people!
Nikon D7100, f/10, 1/1000 sec, ISO-100, 55mm

Nikon D7100, f/9, 1/1000, ISO-100, 55mm
I took a lot of photos like this and I like it but for others it might seems to be pointless. I agree, I mean what to see there in the photo? The snowboarders were not even sharp in focus and just some silhouette. But that's the point, this kind of photos doesn't need anything else but just the silhouette of the snowboarder with the whole view of the slope and the event area. Sometimes you just need to take a wider view of the scenery instead of just a close up of a single subject. It's soothing to the eyes actually. Then you might ask, where to focus for this kind of photo? That can be a very difficult question to answer but for this photo I focused on the background because I want to get only the silhouette of the snowboarder. I failed a bit at the first photo because snowboarder got into the focus points area when I snapped the photo. I nailed it on the second photo.
V. More flying people!
Nikon D7100, f/5, 1/2000 sec, ISO-100, 120mm

Nikon D7100, f/5.6, 1/2000 sec, ISO-100, 100mm
My intention of taking these photos are the same as above but move it a bit far into the focal length. Like above I tried to focus on the background but in the end I thought it would be better if I just focus on the snowboarder because it won't create much of a silhouette due to the sun was not out so I don't have much light behind the snowboarder and to make the background brighter.
VI. The fun slides!
Nikon D7100, f/5.6, 1/2000 sec, ISO-100, 270mm

Nikon D7100, f/5.6, 1/2000 sec, ISO-100, 280mm

Nikon D7100, f/6.3, 1/1000 sec, ISO-100, 300mm

Nikon D7100, f/7.1, 1/1000 sec, ISO-100, 140mm
These photos were quite hard to shoot because the snowboarder at this point slides down the very sloppy slope very fast. I used high burst mode for all of these shots and generally all those photos above as well. But that was not the hardest part, it was trying to keep the focus points on the head (because I trying to focus on their face mostly) that was the hardest. My camera did quite well in doing focus tracking, not bad for an old camera. It was most probably due to the contrast between the background and the snowboarder in terms of colors. For this kind of shot you might be confused whether to use Av or Tv mode. If you use a fix aperture lens use Tv to freeze the fast movement and if your lens is the non fixed aperture one, you can use either mode but I recommend you use Tv because the movement is very fast and you will be able to change the speed of your shutter fast using the dial while still holding your camera at your eye level. If you use Av, set the aperture value to the fastest it has. If the day is bright you won't have any problem using either, depending on your preference but Tv mode is the best for this kind of photography. The photos above doesn't looks very appealing to all but thanks to those blue lines there are at least another element in there instead of just the white plain snow, so I like it. Some ways, it does getting more and more interesting if you look at it longer :D
VII. Where's the focus points at?
Nikon D7100, f/9, 1/500 sec, ISO-100, 55mm
Where do you think I put my focus point in this photo? Definitely not on the snowboarder... LOL! Sometimes I love taking this kind of photo especially when there's something different from the normal things to focus on. There's also something about this kind of that I like but I can really explain it. I actually focused on that cameraman because my intention is actually to make the photo more intriguing. My only regret is that I was not a perfect spot to make the space in the photo symmetrical.
VIII. Make the snowy smoke!
Nikon D7100, f/5.6, 1/1000 sec, ISO-100, 300mm
This is one of my favorite shots because it took me a lot of efforts to pull off. I want that like-smoke-snow-effect so bad that I was hoping that some snowboarders slide so fast that they had "brake" really hard before they reach the bottom and I got it! This is not the first try, I had to try many times before i got this one. Like I said, it took more a lot of efforts. First of all I need to find a spot where I can take their photo when they will slides down to the exit after they finished their run, not easy because there were a lot of people at that spot. Then I need move further to the front so that I can take the photo without including any other people's head and also without offending anybody (that's the hardest part because nobody want to be pushed to the back right? I have to be very polite... LOL!). Then when the scenario is right, I need to keep the focus point on the snowboarder's face and not losing the focus. Then I track the snowboarder until he slides, braking and produce that effect. Sounds easy but it is actually not. It's easy to miss either the opportunity or the chances for a perfect moment. You cannot depend 100% on luck either. After I got what I assumed a perfect shot, I moved away to the back before those people that I cut in front of them bot mad at me... LOL! I got another shot of this that is perfect but I saved that one for my print :D
IX. That awkward pose.
Nikon D7100, f/7.1, 1/1000 sec, ISO-100, 270mm
In sporting event there will be a lot of chances to get the fun and awkward moments. There's no harm in taking one or two shots of it for fun. That's what I did here. I purposely waited for the snowboarder to get into non typical position and try to capture it. Not easy but I got a couple of shot like this one. Not so appealing to some eyes but I like it.
X. The best of the flying people!
Nikon D7100, f/9, 1/1000 sec, ISO-100, 300mm

Nikon D7100, f/9, 1/1000 sec, ISO-100, 300mm
If you asked me what kind of photo I took the most during this event, it will be this kind. Yup, this kind of photo you cannot get a perfect shot with one or two try. It has to be many, there has to be tonnes of shots fired in your maximum frame per second rate, you keep tracking the subject to make sure the focus points fall on him and you just keep pressing that shutter button, you curse when it stop shooting because of the buffering of your memory card. If you didn't get it right, you have to try over and over again until you heard there were only two participants left and you still didn't get the shot you want. Like a deadly sniper, you move your leg and make a very stable stand, holding your camera the best it feel, you take a deep breath, wait for the moment, hodl your breath and take the shots and boom! you got the perfect shot! I cannot tell you how excited I was when I managed to get quite a number of shots for this kind of moment. I saved some for my prints :)
So there you have it, some photos I took from the snowboarding event during the 2018 Winter Olympic, Pyeongchang, South Korea. It's probably the most exciting photography session I ever did in my life! I feel so blessed to be able to be there in person and showcase all these photos to you all.
This is part 1 of this photo showcase, I will make two more for "Winter Olympiad" and "Around 2018 Winter Olympic" in which I will showcase some general photos I took while I was there. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this, upvote if you like it, upvote and resteem if you love it :)
Stay tune for the part 2!
Note: please don't plagiarize other people's content. It took them a lot of efforts, time and energy to produce original content. You cannot just simply take it and post it as if it's yours. It is very immoral and totally unethical to do that! Don't be lazy, do something of your own and people will appreciate you for that, your life might be more meaningful if you so.

beautiful photography... Whenever I see those guys in the air, I always hold my heart in my mouth.
thanks for sharing
Thanks @klynic
thank you for the wonderful photos
You're welcome @sayee thanks for reading
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Salute you for the extreme take the photos in such a cold weather.
Thank you @legendchew it was very challenging but fun
Niceeee, So lucky for you to be able to take those shots man. I wish I can go to South Korea one day.
Yup, it was the best decision I've made to go there. One day bro, you will have the chance to go, Seoul alone is a very beautiful city.
How beautiful the snow is :) I've never seen it live ... :( tropical countries, Good photos :)
The snow alone is not very beautiful but blended with the beautiful landscape and the city, it was so awesome! That was my first time experiencing snowy winter because I'm from tropical country as well :) anyway, thanks @basileonardo
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